Hey ;;
Ive got 2 crabs and they both seem to dislike theyre surroundings
do They have to be able to get out of the water ?
Advice would be most appreciated![]()
yep i have kept them them. they do need land, more than water actually. as someone has said, they spend close to 90% of the time in the dry. they really need to be kept in a brackish tank, though a fresh tank with a pool of brackish, seems to work. temp is standard tropical, 73-80f. like all inverts they like an high O2 content. plants and deccor go down well, for climbing and such. substrate does not seem to matter, as they dont sleep in the water sand is not a must. when young, they like a "meat"/protein diet, however when they mature they turn, mainly to veg, that if you give them any. but this is very important, they are not predictors or even carnivores.
the cork mat is an idea i have seen before, and it works quite well. there is even room for a little pool of brackish, it the tank is fresh.
crabs shed, often when young, every week or so, but as they age the period in between will increase. i think it tops out at once every year, eventually, though this is not fixed.