Caring For Crabs Do They Have To Get Out Of The Water ?


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Feb 25, 2008
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:rolleyes: Hey ;;
Ive got 2 crabs and they both seem to dislike theyre surroundings
do They have to be able to get out of the water ?
Advice would be most appreciated :unsure:
What kind of crabs are they, what size tank are they kept in, water parameters, etc?

Cant help much myself but some crabs will definetly need to come out of the water and depending on the crabs may need anything from fresh water to brackish to full marine so will need to know the speices and what they are kept in at the moment.

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What kind of crabs are they, what size tank are they kept in, water parameters, etc?

Cant help much myself but some crabs will definetly need to come out of the water and depending on the crabs may need anything from fresh water to brackish to full marine so will need to know the speices and what they are kept in at the moment.

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Hey Thanks For The Feedback
My crabs are RED CRABS + My tank is 28 Litres
Can you give me anymore adviice on them coming out of the water
id be grateful thanks :good:
By red crabs could they be red claw crabs possibly? (I think they probably are as these are the most commonly sold, at least in the UK).

If so then yes they need to have access to air 9ie be able to get out the water) and will need slightly brackish (salty) water as well (dont just dump some table salt in there though ;) ).

Have a look at for more information.

I have never kept these crabs (and the crabs I have kept where either hermit crabs or hitch hikers in my marine tank) so cant give you any good information from first hand experience. I think the tank is probably going to be too small for two though (especially when you add something to it give them land to get onto). Somebody else who has kept them should be able to give you better information though.
also make sure your tank is covered as they WILL escape, as i found out once when one of mine was walking across the carpet!!!! :/
Red claw crabs will want to spend 95% of their time out of water. A beach is best, but they will cope with a heavy covering of substantial floating plants, at a pinch...
Really Wow Okayy Ill sort that out Thanks For Your Help
give '3ndl3r' a pm hes knows his stuff about crabs . gave me sum great advice on looking after them and very happy to help. top bloke!

good luck!
You can keep these guys in a freshwater tank as long as they have access to the air and a brackish pool. I kept a number of them in a tank with a couple of pieces of bogwood sticking out of the water as little beaches. Then stuck (using sucker from an old heater) a hamsters feeding bowl near the beaches and filled this with brackish water. Often saw a crab go from the bogwood to the pool for a dip. They seemed quite happy in it and where molting fine and everything. Would still have some if it wasn't for a mix up with some meds!

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