Caridina japonica


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
Essex, UK
does anyone know how many Caridina japonica shrimps would be needed to see a real benefit to a 130ish L planted tank?

i have 8 at present and not sure wether to get more while i have access to them at my lfs.

From what I read, they don't seem to like thread algae very much... do u have fishies in the tank as well?

yeah i have just four darf algae eaters at the moment. trying to get the tank re-established. i try to pull out any long thread algae that starts to form...

i want to keep an eye on the 8 i have as this morning one was laying on its side flipping around and was turning whiteish? then he disappeard!?

i have very good water quality so i doubt thats the problem.

anyway, i'm going to wait and see if i could do with more.
i had 8 now 7 as far as i can tell :(

i found the remains of one today.

they like to hide amonst the plants etc so i can only see two at present.

why ones died i'm very in sure... the water quality is top notch.

Sorry for ur shrimp :-( How long since u have them? Mayb it's just weak, u know, the survival of the fittest thing... or mayb it got attacked by some fish, coz crustaceans r yum yum to them! :shifty: Or it got "car sickness" when travelling from the lfs to ur home n never recovered well (coz they got to hav something to cling onto)? Or it didn't have enough to eat?

U said u r trying to get the tank re-established, so the tank's in the process of cycling? Altho they r hardy when it comes to water type, they r very sensitive to ammonia.

These shrimps r fantastic, n I wanna get some of them too, but just can't any in my lfs...

Well my tanks been up and running for 3 month or so with its current setup and water. The tank is 2 years old in November but I had to relocate it a few months back because cracks where appearing in the ceiling! It is 136L I think.

I bought another 4 shrimps on Saturday but this time the guy didn’t put in a leaf for them to cling onto? The journey from the shop to home was only 6minutes but maybe that was long enough to shock one?

The water quality is fine. I did tests at the weekend. The nitrate and nitrite are 0 and the ammonia is 0.1mg per L and the PH is 7.5 and the temperature is 26°C.

I think it is a shrimp as it was slightly pinky opposed to clear which would just indicate a shed skin. Its so hard to tell though because I haven’t seen more than 3 at any one time. The tank is heavily planted and with my two CO2 systems in place the plants are growing fast. So all the time its getting more dense and more places for them to hide.

I’ll just have to hope that the remainder live on, one female is carrying eggs but I don’t have a separate setup to provide the brackish environment they need.
GraemeK said:
i had 8 now 7 as far as i can tell :(

i found the remains of one today.

they like to hide amonst the plants etc so i can only see two at present.

why ones died i'm very in sure... the water quality is top notch.
M8 I've got a few ammano shrimps,

I used to think something had been attacking them but the remains are most likly just whats left after a shed.... ;)

Of 10 about a year ago I still have 9 left at the last count - they are masters of hiding and its very difficult to pick them out (400l planted tank).....

Cann't say how much impact they have on the tank but I think they help - fascinating little critters - watching one drag of a whole algae wafer is quite ammusing lol :lol:

Good site for inverts...SHRIMPS :thumbs:

hey WWW

yup i fully understand the theory of a shed skin but i think this is the remains of one, i pulled out a pinky lump of what looked like tissue. cant be sure though it may in fact be the main soft shell with some dis-colouration.

yeah they are good at hiding! i could only see two earlier.

as i mentioned before i have a female carrying eggs. anyone know how hard it would be to setup a brackish tank with some exisitng water quickly?

is it easy or a waste of time?
The link above has breeding details :)

....though how detailed/difficult idk :/

If u put the existing tank water +existing gravel to ur new tank, then rinse the existing filter in ur new tank, then part of the beneficial bacteria will b transported to the new tank to aid the cycling. don't think it'll take too long, I guess will b half the time of normal cycling.

to be honest with the time left until she lays i dont think i have enough time. maybe next time i'll set it up in advance for when a female shows signs of eggs. i have 7-8 shrimps so i'm certain there will be at least one of each gender in there.
Yesterday was questionable to wether one has died or not because it was a lump of skin with a slight pinky colour. Today though I actually noticed a dead one 
Laying on the gravel on its side. Why I’m concerned is because my tank is in top condition. The water if fine and clean. The tank is heavily planted up so all the water parameters are low.
I guess it could have been stress from the tripfrom the shop to home but that was on Saturday.

My question is this: what should I be looking to check when I have 1 or 2 suspect deaths? Considering what I have mention in my previous posts.

i think i used some green algae killer about 2 weeks ago?

nothing else since apart from plant food.

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