Cardinals Or Rummynose


plant your tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 12, 2009
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Lincoln uk
I have bought 2 Angels, and I want a nice shoal to go in the tank. I want something from the same region that the Angels come from. My local LFS has some nice cardinals and Rummy's at the moment. What do ya reckon i should get, or another good tetra for the Angels (Not to eat BTW!)
Well, I personally, would get Rummy Noses just 'cause I like them :p but I would base it off of size. Whichever is bigger would be best if you plan on keeping them in the tank with the angels forever or so. Good luck though! :)
i have decieded on the rummynose after seeing the way they school at lfs today. Pick em up next week.
i have decieded on the rummynose after seeing the way they school at lfs today. Pick em up next week.
both beautiful little fish - we have both in our 4 fter, just watch when you get them they are not too small as angels have been known to attack & eat little cardinals and some of our rummys were quite teeny when we got them
both...? :lol:

i have had good success with rummynoses-i really like them, buttt
cardinals are beautiful fish
ive just never kept them
I have a rummy nose loner that needs rehoming if your local???

Also i have angels and i made the mistake of buying really small cardinal tetra(x5) and each night i woke up to 1 missing. Obviously eaten by my angelfish. They have to be medium or large tetras to be uneatable. Rummy noses are fine though. Mines got a big belly, is very fast, loves playing in bubbles and needs a mate lol.
does he have a good sense of humour? lol

i'm in Lincoln, close by?

got 10 Rummy's yesterday and are schooling brilliantly, the best tetra i have owned!

I haven't lost any yet either.

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