Cardinal Tetras


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Hey a few days ago I got 6 cardinals. I had them at some point 2 years ago and decided I wanted them again. NOw after reading around im not sure they are going to do so well. I dont have a PH kit or the other one to test softness but I live in london, so you can assume my water in my tank is Hard.

One of them has a BRIGHT red belly and nice neon line and the other 5 have washed out red bits and nice neon lines. They are in with platys. What do you think is the best thing to do?
When I bought my Cardinals they were very pale red (although still a bright neon line) when brought home from the store. The travel stressed them but the next morning they were a pure, beautiful red and active. Also, Cardinal tetras will often be pale when you first turn the light on if it was previously dark in the room. They get the color back within minutes (in my experience).
thanks for the reply
Yeah im thinking it may just be the stress of moving still. One of them is prefectly coloured and the others are just washed out. Even after the lights have been on and off, they are just always dull
Hello Betta5 I live on the out skirts of London With a heady PH of 8.0 average :blink:

I have a small group of 11 Cardinals I got the first 6 about 8 months ago and a further what I thought was 4 but turned out I got an additional free one (don't you just love the new kid in the LFS :lol:) a month later.

They are all doing fine there colours are amazing and I also noticed they improved in colour about 48 hours after being placed in there new home :good:

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