Cardinal Tetras


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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hi guys
just a few questions about them
what is the least you can keep to still make them feel compfy and safe ?
how many can i add at one time with them having a bad effect on the filter ?
do they need plants for shelter or will rocks do ?

hi guys
just a few questions about them
what is the least you can keep to still make them feel compfy and safe ?
how many can i add at one time with them having a bad effect on the filter ?
do they need plants for shelter or will rocks do ?


i would always have at least 5 or 6 minimum

my tank has some plants and rocks i dont know what they prefer if any

hope this helps :)
Keeping cardinal tetras;
Cardinal tetras are not the hardiest of fish as they can be very sensitive to things nitrites and ammonia (and excessive nitrates) and can be killed off easily by such things, so they are not recommend fish for a cycling or newly cycled tank. Many people recommend them only for tanks that have been set up for 6months or longer as at this stage in the tanks maturity it is considered fully established and not likely to suffer water quality problems as long as the tank went through a straightforward cycle at the start with no futher complications.
You can put cardinal tetras in tanks less than 6months mature, but the younger the tank set up, the more likely it is to experience water quality problems/complications. A lot also depends on how the tank is cycled- tanks which are fishless cycled tend to establish themselves quicker than tanks which are cycled with fish, for more info on cycling tanks see below link;

(There are many other articles on things like cycling tanks, water quality etc if you do a search or check out the pinned articles on the forum etc too)

Cardinal tetras are shoaling fish and do best in a group of at least 6, however in tanks 50gallons or above i would recommend at least 8 -10 cardinals- for tanks 140gallons or more, i would recommend at least 15-20 cardinals minimum. Shoaling is a defensive sort of behavior, fish like cardinals shoal when they feel threatend or stressed or are moving as a group across long distances- thus it is normal for cardinal tetras to not shoal all the time in the same group if they feel happy in their environment. When shoaling fish are kept in groups too small for their particular species and environment, they will feel stressed (even if there is no apparent threat to them, it is instinctive for them to not be always confined to small numbers) and they may fade in colour and/or display abnormal behavior like agression amoungst each other etc.
Ultimately, the more cardinals you have the more secure they will feel in the tank, i would go for as many as you feel comfortable with having as long as you do not overstock the tank and have at least 6 of them.

The tank should have at least one large open space in it to allow the cardinals to shoal freely if they want to, but it is also good to include some planting in the habitat to add some cover and help them feel more at home. Cardinal tetras will not make use of things like caves, so these are not nesarsary. Type of substrate is not really important either way too as long as it there is some sort of substrate in the tank and it is kept very clean.
Fish like cardinal tetras are insectivores/omnivores, a varied diet is one of the keys to good health and a long life in cardinal tetras and any other fish. They will accept fish flakes, but personally i would advise trying to vary their diet instead of feeding them solely of standard fish flakes- foods like bloodworms, daphinia, artemecia, krill etc will all be readily accepted- TetraPro vegetable flakes also make a good food to help get some veg into the tetras diet too, there are also frozen cubes of fish vegetables like cooked and chopped up spinache too which can be fed to the fish. I would not recommend feeding fish tubifex though, as it has been known to often come from areas contaminated with raw sewage and live tubifex worms can pass on internal parasites to fish.
When feeding foods to fish, frozen or live foods are more nutritious and easier to digest for fish than dried ones. The higher the ash content of fish foods, the poorer the quality they tend to be.

As to how many fish you can add at once to a tank, it depends on;
a. The size/gallons/litres of the tank.
b. How long it has been running and whether it is cycling or not.
c. How powerful the filtration is (is it barely adequately filtered, over filtered etc- do you have a filter that can barely do the gallons of your tank, or more than easily filter them etc).
d. How stocked the tank currently (what fish do you have, how many, what sizes etc).

If you fill out this info, i can advise you better on stocking your tank with cardinal tetras.
Cardinal tetras are primarily peaceful fish and thrive best in a tank with a stocking of fish who are not overly active or agressive/territorial- i would avoid mixing them with very large fish too which occupy the same areas of the tank as they do. Water quality must be kept very clean with once weekly 30-60% water changes with dechlorinator and substrate cleaning sessions every 1-2weeks (depending on the tank stocking and type of substrate etc).

Edit: oh i forgot to add, that a soft acidic water is preferred most by these fish as they come from the amazon, however as long as the ph is not very alkeline in the tank, then the cardinal tetras should be able to adjust/acclimatise to it fine. I would not advise changing the ph unless it is rather alkeline or you are taking on a project like breeding them, as changing ph in tanks often causes it to fluctuate a lot, which can be very stressful for fish (particularly for sensitive fish like cardinal tetras).
I would recommend at least a 12gallon or 20inch long tank minimum for keeping these fish :thumbs: . When in the tank, they will primarily occupy the middle to bottom section of the tank.

the tank is 60 litres .
it has been running for about 8 months.
the box for the filter says it can filter water from 10-25 gallons.
it has 4 mollys, 3 guppys and 2 corrys in at the mo but i was going to move them into my main 180 litre tank as i want the cardinals to be in there on their own as i would like a fairly large shoal.

the tank is 60 litres .
it has been running for about 8 months.
the box for the filter says it can filter water from 10-25 gallons.
it has 4 mollys, 3 guppys and 2 corrys in at the mo but i was going to move them into my main 180 litre tank as i want the cardinals to be in there on their own as i would like a fairly large shoal.

2 angels, 2 firemouths, 1 three spot gourami, one kissing gourami, 3 zebra danios, 3 corrys, 1 silver shark, 1 clown loach, 1 rainbow fish, 1 golden nugget pleco, 5 black neons, 2 kribs and 1 mystery catfish

180 litres = 47.55 US gallons.

The fish in your main tank are not completely ideal with each other, some will outgrow the tank while others can be quite agressive or territorial on occasion.
Firemouth cichlids can be quite agressive/territorial towards other fish when they pair up for breeding;

I've never kept this fish personally so can't vouch for its agression/personality, but it may not be the safest nor best fish to stock with the fish you currently have. Personally i'd advise doing a thread in the cichlid section of the forum for more info on this fish.

There are many types of kribs, some are very agressive towards other fish or even each other, while some kribs are very peaceful- what type of kribs do you have do you know?

Both the silver shark and the clown loach will outgrow your tank (clown loaches do grow very slowly though, but can grow to over 12inches long), clown loaches need at least a 75gal tank and because they are sociable fish, they do best with their own kind around, a group of at least 3 is good. Silver sharks (also known as bala sharks) need at least a 5ft long by 18inch wide tank as they are very active skittish shoaling fish which have been known to grow to over 11inches long (the largest bala shark i ever saw was 15inches long).

Zebra danios are also shoaling fish and do best in groups at least 6 of their own kind, for for a large main tank like yours i would advise having at least 8, leopard danio's are the same type of danio as zebra danios, they are just a different colour/pattern variety of the same type of danio produced by selective breeding. So if you want, you could have zebra and leopard danios and they would essentially count as the same type of danio and they would shoal together (which is the main thing). The danios would certainly be happier with more of their own kind around :nod: .
However, danios and gourami's are not ideal tankmates. This mostly comes down to environment/habitat preferences, but danios have also been known to try and nip the feelers of gourami's. Danios do best in strongly filtered cool tanks with lots of open spaces, while gourami's are the opposite, enjoying tanks with a gentle filter current and in tanks which are very planted (especially with plants which grow all the way from the bottom to the top of the tank, or tanks which have floating plants). If you are keen on making your fish tank stocking the most ideal it can be, i would personally move the danios to your 60litre tank (if it is a long one. 60litres works out at roughly 15 US gallons) and increase their group to at least 6 of their own kind.

Gourami's in general can be a mixed bunch- when it comes to gourami's like three spot gourami's, females are generally not agressive while males can be quite agressive, however overal a gourami's nature/character is never assured and sometimes female three spot gourami's can be quite agressive while the males peaceful etc. Kissing gourami's are also the same- sometimes they can be quite peaceful, while others can be quite agressive, so i would advise keeping an eye on the kissing gourami's activities. Kissing gourami's are omnivores, but they are very much more leaning towards the herbivore end of the omnivore scale, algae is one of their favorite foods;

With the neons, i would advise increasing their shoal to 6-8. What type of corys do you have in both tanks and what type of substrate do you have in the tank?
What are the genders of your guppys and mollys and how long have you been keeping the mollys- have the mollys experienced any health problems at all ever yet?

I would not advise moving the stocking from your 60litre tank to the 180litre tank just yet as stocking wise things are not completely ideal, there may be issues between fish like the guppys and firemouths/angels/kribs for example.
i am aware that some of the fish will eventually outgrow the 180 litre tank so this christmas i am getting a 260 litre tank so they can grow without problems and also give the fish like firemouths some space to make more of a territory.

the 180 litre tank has fine-middle sized gravel and the 60 litre has sand.
not to sure on the kribs...they just look like normal kribs to me and are fine with the other fish.
all the corys i have are albino ones.
all the mollys and guppys are female and have not had any health problems yet.
i will see about getting 3 or 4 more neons too.
i am aware that some of the fish will eventually outgrow the 180 litre tank so this christmas i am getting a 260 litre tank so they can grow without problems and also give the fish like firemouths some space to make more of a territory.

the 180 litre tank has fine-middle sized gravel and the 60 litre has sand.
not to sure on the kribs...they just look like normal kribs to me and are fine with the other fish.
all the corys i have are albino ones.
all the mollys and guppys are female and have not had any health problems yet.
i will see about getting 3 or 4 more neons too.

Cool, i would advise keeping the cories in the 60litre tank then if it has a sand substrate as this is much better for fish like corys as it allows them to perform their natural feeding behavior of sifting through the sand looking for food (the sand is passed through their mouth and under a special gill plates if you look carefully). Same goes for the clown loaches- they do better on a fine sand substrate as this is least likely to damage their barbels/whiskers, so if you are upgrading the tank in the near future to a 260 litre tank, i would personally opt for a fine sand substrate in the new tank :thumbs: .
There is a krib section in the Oddball fish section of the forum if you are interested too, people there should be able to ID your kribs for you there :thumbs: .
ok cheers
if i moved the other fish in the 60 litre except the corrys how many cardinals would i be able to get in there ?

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