Ok, when I first got them my 8 cardinal tetras were always swimming across the tank and back shoaling nicely. Unfortunately one died a couple of weeks ago, would that be the reason they now spend nearly all their time hiding except the odd brave explorer ?
Are they scared of my other fish ? (6 Harlequin Rasorbas, 2 Pearl Gouramis, 9 Platies, 5 Danios and a tiny Ancistrus). The most recent additions are the danios and the gouramies, tho they started hiding before the gouramies were added.
Would the danios have spooked them ? Would adding 2 or 3 more cardinals help them overcome their hiding ?
The tank is pretty well planted, but I'd like to see the fish swim about rather than never see them because they're hiding all the time...
Any thoughts ?
Are they scared of my other fish ? (6 Harlequin Rasorbas, 2 Pearl Gouramis, 9 Platies, 5 Danios and a tiny Ancistrus). The most recent additions are the danios and the gouramies, tho they started hiding before the gouramies were added.
Would the danios have spooked them ? Would adding 2 or 3 more cardinals help them overcome their hiding ?
The tank is pretty well planted, but I'd like to see the fish swim about rather than never see them because they're hiding all the time...
Any thoughts ?