Fish Herder
I'm not going to up it too much. Just wanted to do it by a couple of degrees to help speed up the lifecycle of the ich. I'll probably just leave them alone for today except to do the next dose later(though I'll occassionally turn the light on and check on them). I'll keep you updated. I really appreciate all the help.
Good news! I checked on them after that last post and decided to leave the light on for a bit and put a pinch of food in there. They didn't seem interested at first until the flakes sank more to their level but the three that can keep themselves stable and swim better did eat some. The other one is still just getting pushed around by the current my filter(HOB) and air stone are putting out. I'll still leave him in there for the next dosage but I don't know if he'll get better and survive(he's not the one with the gill flap missing either).
Good news! I checked on them after that last post and decided to leave the light on for a bit and put a pinch of food in there. They didn't seem interested at first until the flakes sank more to their level but the three that can keep themselves stable and swim better did eat some. The other one is still just getting pushed around by the current my filter(HOB) and air stone are putting out. I'll still leave him in there for the next dosage but I don't know if he'll get better and survive(he's not the one with the gill flap missing either).