Cardinal Tetras Playing?


New Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Whitehaven, UK
I have a small shoal of 9 cardinal tetras in a tank which contains an airstone producing a short curtain of bubbles across the back of the tank. Today I watched them for about 30 minutes doing what I can only describe as playing with the bubbles. They would all gather on one side of the bubble curtain and then one by one swim through it, sometimes being lifted a few inches by the bubble's upward current. When they had all done this, they all gathered on the other side and then crossed back through the bubbles the other way. They continued doing this back and forth for at least half an hour, and then went back to their normal behaviour. Are these little fishes capable of 'playing', or is there some other explanation for this behaviour?
yep playing. :) my guppies and danios play a lot. My green spotted puffers try to swim to the source of the bubbles. Its quite cute. Enjoy them being quirky. :)

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