Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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Will there be any problems putting Cardinal Tetras in with Angelfish and Rams?
angel fishies natural diet includes neon tetras, although cardinals are that bit bigger i wouldn't risk it
What would you recommend as a small schooling fish that can be put with Angels? Preferably something that is calm and colorful.
Black skirt tetras may not be colorful, however my shoal of them is getting along fine with all 3 of my angels :good:. Cardinal tetras are actually a give or take situatuion IMO, depending on the size of the angels, I've heard of many people being able to keep a nice shoal with the angels, provided the tank was spacious enough and was heavily planted... You may want to try the Cardinals, although not many will recommend it, it's your choice :good:
If you have small angels and are putting in a school of adult size mature cardinals..... you might get away with it.

Or you might be like me 'my angels never ate anyone' and put in 12 pristella tetras........

I have ONE left. :( Greedy beggars!

At £2 ish a go thats some expensive angel food!
All fish/situations are different but I have two 3 inch angels with a school of neons and have never had any problems.... maybe the angels havn't figured out how tasty the neons are... :)
Usually IME it's only full adult Angels (4"+) that seem to enjoy the flesh of neons... Best bet is to leave well enough alone and get something else.

What about Black Neon Tetras? They're not as slender as Angels so theoretically then should stand a better chacne :good:
A shoal of Congo Tetra's are traditional and i'm looking at some for my angels,


I love Congo Tetras but they are so expensive. :(
If you are looking for calm, peaceful fish then Congo Tetras probably aren't a good idea anyway.
We have 6 in our 137G tank and they take full advantage of all the room. They often zip back and forth acrooss the tank and are very active!
If you are looking for calm, peaceful fish then Congo Tetras probably aren't a good idea anyway.
We have 6 in our 137G tank and they take full advantage of all the room. They often zip back and forth acrooss the tank and are very active!

You are right, I am still at a loss for what I should add to the tank.

My 42 gallon tall tank consists of:

2 - 2" bodysize, 6"+ with fins Veil Angelfish
2 - 2.5" German Blue Rams
2 - 1.5" Silver Hatchetfish (These two chased and killed two others that were in the tank)
2 - 1" Oto Catfish
1 - 1.5" Gold Ram (His parner died from shock of being put into a new tank and refused to eat, lfs is out of them)
1 - 5.5" Peacock Eel
1 - 2.5" Rubberlip Pleco
1 - 4" Armored Catfish (Megalechis thoracata)

The tank has live plants, bogwood, and slate.

I really want to add another Angelfish but can't find any that are around the size of the two that I already have. From the list above, what do you think I should add? I know Hatchetfish like to be kept in groups but these two seem to like to be alone.
Firstly, may i suggest getting more oto cats and more hatchet fish, these fish do best in shoals, and therefore should be kept in shoals. Personally, I find you tank to be pretty well stocked, if you get say 3 more hatchets and 3 more oto cats, then you'll more than likely be at the max, mabye even another gold ram... but that's it, I'd say don't add anything and plan for the furture, because your tank will eventually be full of 3-4 3" rams, 2 6" angels, 2-5 1.5" hatchetfish, 2-5 1.5" oto cats, a 5" pleco, a 12" eel and I'm not sure what the catfish's full size is, however if going with your stock, you have 48" of fish in a tank that should house 42"... mind you the 1" per gallon rule can be appiled losly in this situation IMO because you have larger fish (and I bet a 12" eel wouldn't be happy in a 12gallon tank...) Regardless, I suggest not adding fish now that the specs are set out...

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