Cardinal Tetra lumpy swollen stomach


New Member
Apr 11, 2020
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Hey all, I seem to be having some issues with one of my Cardinal Tetras, she has had issues in the past with constipation that have cleared up within a day of feeding her peas and or fasting her. This time it has not been so fruitfull.
Her lump is mostly on her right side and not on both (picture below).
She is a prolific hungry monster (and still is), she will eat extensive amounts of food by stealing them off of the other smaller Tetras this time it was 3 bloodworms.
She is having a really tough time passing what I can only assume as constipation, yesterday I fed her some Brine shrimp to help her release and she did not. Today I tried her with peas, she ate a bit but has not passed. About an hour ago I gave her an epsom salt bath for 10 minutes in a 10 litre bucket of aquarium water, she of course, didn't pass any food out.

I'm starting to feel like this may be more than constipation, would really appreciate some help as I care for her deeply. Thanks!

Tank size: 110 Litres Planted aquarium
pH: 7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20

tank temp: 26 degrees Celsius

Fish Symptoms: Swollen tummy, constipation

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30- 40 litres every week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Prime, preventative ICH medicine (eSHa exit), Seachem Flourish, Flourish Excel

Tank inhabitants: 7 Pearl Danio's, 5 Glowlight Danio's, 4 Cardinal Tetras, 5 Kuhli loaches and 1 Dwarf Indian Pea puffer.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 1 kuhli loach 2 weeks ago from LFS

Exposure to chemicals: No


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Did it swell up really quickly like over a day or two? Or slowly like over a few weeks or months?

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