I wouldn't claim to be "really experienced" but I do keep them, so...
They prefer soft acidic water, as you maybe already know, so if you can then it's better to use that, maybe using some RO (reverse osmosis) water if you can, which you will need to remineralise. I'm lucky as mine is soft and acid from teh tap, so I can't really comment on how well they do without that. However, stability is generally more important, so bear that in mind and try to avoid using chemicals to change the pH etc.
Filtering the water over peat helps; the water becomes softer and mosre acidinc, and also slightly tea-coloured with tannins in it, all of which they appreicate. They also like dimmer lighting and plant cover.
When you get them, you'll generally find they're pretty small. You need to acclimatise them to your tank gradually - find out the pH and hardness of the LFS water and match that initially, gradually changing it to your own tank conditions; if possible do this in a quarantine tank. pH shock and the like can be an issue, hence acclimatise the separately.
Try feeding them smallish frequent meals, and keep up with the water changes. They seem to often suffer in transit to the LFS and so will need feeding up a bit.
I find mine to be pretty easy to look after, I think most people who suffer losses do so in the first week or two and a gentle introducton should ease that. Omnce they're in settled, and eating well, then you're unlikely to suffer losses, I've found. I'd certainly suggest you do try them, in a decent sized shoal.