Car Insurance

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Im paying £3.255 for my Mazda 3 and im only 19, you'd be surprised at what other cars you can get instead of your 106's/corsa's punto's etc... I do have a named driver on my insurance though, does help a lot. :good:
Or... By a classic :rolleyes: my fisrt car was a '68 beetle! and i loved it to bits and it was under 600 quid fire and theft. On a classic car policy. Now am drivin a 1500 spitfire gt ma quote in and its under 400 fully comp ave gt 5 yrs n/c/b tho.

Feel sorry for new drivers sometimes how insurance companys are allowed to pull there pants down over the price.

They say that yound drivers are more of a risk but they cant tar everyone with the same brush all the young drivers i know take a immense pride in there 1st car (no matter how much a #105### bucket it is!) and wouldnt dream about driving like a total #30###. Thats not to say that some dont tho!
Im paying £3.255 for my Mazda 3 and im only 19, you'd be surprised at what other cars you can get instead of your 106's/corsa's punto's etc... I do have a named driver on my insurance though, does help a lot. :good:

:eek: WOW!!!! You must have more money than sense!!! I was paying £900 for my megane 225 and even then i was mortified. lol.

Never had a parent on mine, always just paid the cheapest quote and got on with it. But i was in full time employment before i could drive so i did have a bit to pay it with.
What that insurance company who gives NCB to named drivers? Try taking it out in your ma or da's name and you as the named driver. Can be cheaper in the long run. Storing your car in a garage helps, or used to anyway.
I'm with AXA. Was with Quinn direct but after some eejit ploughing into me and saying I hit them (damage on both cars didn't back her story up) they decided they were going to charge me an extra £1500 because an accident was pending. Still with the accident pending with AXA I was quoted £650 so I took it. Its come down a lot now to £322. (I'd love to know where or how they calculate these numbers) I'm 29 and never been in an accident that was my fault. My girlfriend learned to drive a few years back when I had a bad accident and couldn't drive (still can't somedays) she was insured under mine until she passed and my insurance never went up at all. Since she's had her own she's had more claims. Than I care to remember, each year her insurance goes up, not down!!!

Do they still fit those speed limiters for younger drivers? I know they used to and that reduced insurance.

Good luck with the quest, I know I wouldn't like to be starting all over again.
Im paying £3.255 for my Mazda 3 and im only 19, you'd be surprised at what other cars you can get instead of your 106's/corsa's punto's etc... I do have a named driver on my insurance though, does help a lot. :good:

:eek: WOW!!!! You must have more money than sense!!! I was paying £900 for my megane 225 and even then i was mortified. lol.

Never had a parent on mine, always just paid the cheapest quote and got on with it. But i was in full time employment before i could drive so i did have a bit to pay it with.

Im a bit of an idiot i know for paying that but i do love my car and i wanted a nice car for my first so it will last me for a few years. If i loose my job though im basically (you know what lol) £900 for a 225 megane :eek: how old are you though?? Wish my insurance was so cheap.
companies have now cottoned on to young drivers buying classics for cheap insurance, lots of ropey minis and beetles in lots of accidents cost lots of money to insure. i got in before they relaised, and pay almost nothing for my insurance, but its not so easy now, and insurance quotes are reaching the same levels of normal companies for normal cars.

magical trevor - i also drive a spit, got a '67 mk3. renewal in a couple of months, the last years cost 130 quid, fully comp, breakdown cover, unlimited miles, insured as only car for more than its worth. im still going to gtry get some more money off this year. will be my 5th year of driving in may only ever owned the spit, and as you say no NCB on classic policies.

as for the OP, better deals can always be had haggling on the phone. i just play 2 companies off eachother until im happy. the last years insurance i got down from 355 quid to 130. automatic renewals are a rip, i was only paying 290, and my renewal was 355 :blink:
I did think about getting a classic, but trying to find a fully operating mini in my budget is hard! Same goes for the beetle, although I would love one.

Thanks for the replys everyone, I'll probably just have to bite the bullet, I can't get below £1600 without it being illegal.
Can anyone recommend an insurance company, for an 18 year old that preferably fits a tracking device and is as cheap as possible, the cheapest I've had so far on a 1L Corsa is £2300 per annum, but I'd still like to get it cheaper.
What are you currently paying for that? I am also looking for insurance for my brother and want to know current price and best company we should go with, Let me know
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