can't think of a name


The Hairy Potter
Mar 21, 2005
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My girl and I were naming our fish today and we came up with names for all of them except for the pictus catfish. So I was hoping I could get some Ideas from you guys. So what did you name your pictus'? Don't worry I don't want to steal your names just get some ideas.
If I had a pim pictus catfish I'd name him 'Punt'.

Why? Because while boating on the river Cam in Cambridge in the Summer, it's traditional to enjoy a drink called 'Pims' and the boats are called 'Punts'
I thought about calling him spot because well he's spotted. The girl didn't like it she said it was a dog's name. I also thought of calling him daffy because he swims in circles all the time and daffy duck sang that song hmm what's it called ohe yeah merry go round broke down. But she didn't like that one either.

Very creative minion i'll run that by her.

thanks for the suggestions dwarf i'll ask her about sharky as that was my nickname for her little brother when he was younger. :D
I don't see how your meant to remember names for everyone!! :S

by the way pim pictus prefer to be in groups of atleast 3.
U cant name pictus's because when they are kept in the groups of three that they need to be u wont be able to tell the difference. If u really want a name u could name it Spike
I know that they need to be in groups of My lfs said he wasn't a schooling fish and i believed him. he is getting bigger and looks very healthy. He swims around all day and all night. He doesn't seem to be sad or shy at all. I would get two more if I had room for them.

bob sounds pretty good actually thanks.
I tried to name my Pims....but like fishy411 i had no idea who was who after 3 minutes....What size tank is your single pim in??
a 29 gallon. My tank is in my profile. it needs editing, my pleco died today. :sad:
"U cant name pictus's because when they are kept in the groups of three that they need to be u wont be able to tell the difference."

My son (4 yrs old) got round this problem by naming our 5 corys Prince, Prince, Prince, Prince and King. King is rather bigger and fatter, in fact, I strongly suspect her of being a female. But he won't hear of that. All boys in this club. He still wants babies, though...
I would call it "lonely pictus"

Mine are called Pictus 1, Pictus 2 & Female Pictus (annoyed that it wasnt 2 females to 1 male :sad: )

well other good names are Hoover, Oreck, and Dyson. they make pretty good vacuum cleaners adn since they all act the same it doesnt matter which is which.

Bunjiweb- U will be pretty famous in the fish-keeping world if u figured out how to sex pictus's. or am i missing something.

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