Can't Stop The Ich


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Ok so I purchased some blue rams and stuck em in my 10 gal to prepare for the 65. All was good for a week so I stuck them in the 65. Next thing I know they have ich all over them. I pull em back out hoping that I had caught it before they could spread it. I pull em them back out put em in the ten and start treatment. Raise temp to about 84, add salt, a pump, pull the carbon out the filter and add the ick meds. This was yesterday. I get home today look in the tank and I have a dead ram. Look in my 65 gallon and my hatchets have spots on em....grrrr.....
Now I have hatchets, neons, bloodfins, an oto, and cories in the 65 which means no harsh meds. I am slowly raising the temps. and I already have a pump. Now I have purchased some meds for the ick that is supposed to be ok for catfish. Is there anything else I should do besides pray?
First you can check your water stats, since fish often get sick when they are sick. Next, you can do a 50% water change, which will hlep remove some of the ich parasites that are either in the gravel or free swimming (as two of their life cycle stages are).

I would also add the air stone now to hlep as the temperature rises, to avoid problems before they start.
Have done a water change already and the air stone is in the tank. I cant add salt to it because of the cories and otos right? Should I wait till the spots drop off to treat the tank again?

First you can check your water stats, since fish often get sick when they are sick. Next, you can do a 50% water change, which will hlep remove some of the ich parasites that are either in the gravel or free swimming (as two of their life cycle stages are).

I would also add the air stone now to hlep as the temperature rises, to avoid problems before they start.
Is there any meds in the tank now? If not, start them now. I would be hesitant to add salt to the tank wiht the otos. I know thye can be very sensitive to any changes, although i have been reading that cories can handle some salt as long as it has been disolved first and added slowly.

When you add the meds, make sure you have removed the carbon as well.

What are your water stats looking like?
0,0,5 so water looks good. I have added the meds and will redose after a water change everynight. I guess I just wait and see.

Is there any meds in the tank now? If not, start them now. I would be hesitant to add salt to the tank wiht the otos. I know thye can be very sensitive to any changes, although i have been reading that cories can handle some salet as long as it has been disolved first and added slowly.

When you add the meds, make sure you have removed the carbon as well.

What are your water stats looking like?
Cories and other scaleless fish should not have a problem when exposed to aquarium salt for brief periods of time. Think of it as a tonic, or, gargling when you have a sore throat.

If you have sensitive fish in there, you can try a reduced dosage to start and keep an eye on the ich. If the ich seems to respond, maintain a decreased dosage to help reduce the chance of toxicity to your sensitive livestock. If spots increase and the fish seem to decline, you will have no choice but to administer full dosage.

Make sure you continue treatment for 2-3 days after the spots completely disappear and do not add your carbon back until after this time. Use a new cartridge.

BTW, you're quarantine time was WAY TOO SHORT. Minimum of 2-3 weeks. SH
Cories and other scaleless fish should not have a problem when exposed to aquarium salt for brief periods of time. Think of it as a tonic, or, gargling when you have a sore throat.

If you have sensitive fish in there, you can try a reduced dosage to start and keep an eye on the ich. If the ich seems to respond, maintain a decreased dosage to help reduce the chance of toxicity to your sensitive livestock. If spots increase and the fish seem to decline, you will have no choice but to administer full dosage.

Make sure you continue treatment for 2-3 days after the spots completely disappear and do not add your carbon back until after this time. Use a new cartridge.

BTW, you're quarantine time was WAY TOO SHORT. Minimum of 2-3 weeks. SH
Also dont forget to gravel vac as these little critters hide there. On my meds for ick it says to use every other day for two weeks even if spots have gone. It worked for my mine.Good luck.
ok, Im using a med made by jungle labs made for cories and other scales fish. Will this work for the other fish to? should i dissolve the salt before adding it to the tank?

As far as the quarantine time goes, I got anxious to get em in there and enjoy them in my main tank.

Cories and other scaleless fish should not have a problem when exposed to aquarium salt for brief periods of time. Think of it as a tonic, or, gargling when you have a sore throat.

If you have sensitive fish in there, you can try a reduced dosage to start and keep an eye on the ich. If the ich seems to respond, maintain a decreased dosage to help reduce the chance of toxicity to your sensitive livestock. If spots increase and the fish seem to decline, you will have no choice but to administer full dosage.

Make sure you continue treatment for 2-3 days after the spots completely disappear and do not add your carbon back until after this time. Use a new cartridge.

BTW, you're quarantine time was WAY TOO SHORT. Minimum of 2-3 weeks. SH
Also dont forget to gravel vac as these little critters hide there. On my meds for ick it says to use every other day for two weeks even if spots have gone. It worked for my mine.Good luck.

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