Wow! That was a lot of information but very helpful Tokis! I have a 29 gallon long and so far the cycling for the tank has been going well. I tested the PH yesterday and it was about 6.5-6.7. I have the aquarium pharmaceuticals master freshwater test kit and everything seems to be going fine as well. I forgot to mention that I saved 10 gallons of my old water and mixed that in with the brand new water I have in the tank.
I also added some microbe-blend bacteria and seachem Neutral regulator to speed up the cycling process. I have some plants in the tank, anubias nana, amazons, riccia, and a few other low-height plants that I can't name.
Running an aquaclear 200 and a dirt magnet
Glad to help

If your tank is cycling i would avoid buying any fish until there is no nitrites or ammonia (making sure numbers stay 0 over the following weeks at the least), adding new fish to a cyling tank is not good as this is the stage when the tank is least stable in its ecosystem (when the tank has been stable for 6months or more, free of nitrites and ammonia, it is considered a "mature" tank

When you buy fish for a tank you should only do it when the tanks conditions or inhabitants health are ideal, adding fish when there are sick fish, water quality issues, strong meds in the tank or just before the tank is due for a cleaning does not help the new fish settle in and it can sometimes make the new fish ill themselves.
I must warn you about common plecs though- these fish can grow up to 18inchs+ long (although 9-12inches is more common, but even so), so a common plec will outgrow a 29gal (there is a myth that fish will grow to the size of the tank, but this is not true- keeping a fish in crampt conditions will stunt its growth to a certain extent, but also will significantly decrease its life expectancy and eventually kill it).
It is important you do not overstock your tank, when you buy fish you must take into consideration many factors about keeping them including how big they'll get, what sort of temperment they have, how active they are, what conditions they need to be kept in ect. So it is very important to get your own research done when looking for new fish to add to your tank

If you would like to know of some plecs that will not outgrow a 29gal, here is a list of 30 plecos under 8inches

All of the fish in the above list can be found on where they have much info and pics on keeping them and so forth (check out the Cat-eLog)
