Can't Edit.

Hehe, well we all make mistakes guys.
Tek oot.
My edits are usually because I only spot my autocorrect errors (damn iPhone) once I've pressed post.

I know I should use preview but I'm lazy!
TekFish said:
Oh that would be good. Could you do that for me, or is there someone I need to PM?
Tek oot.
I don't know what particular thread is in question. You can PM a mod when edits need to be made, provided it's a technical goof sort of thing (broken tags, title goof, etc.) that doesn't change the flow of conversation as mentioned.

But it would just be to add and take things off of a list, not to edit something I say.
If people have already responded to that aspect of what you posted, then it should stay as-is and you should correct it further down. 
Edit time is set to 60 minutes so for the first 60 minutes you can edit your post. This was changed due to some issues we had with editing. If the edit is important and can't explained with a secondary post a mod can edit it for you but for the most part we recommend simply explaining with a new post.
On sales threads where several items are for sale it's already common practice to make a new post with what items are left after a few have been sold etc. so I feel people are looking out for what's down the thread.
I think in fact once someone replies to a post there should be no editing aloud. This prevents all sorts of confusion in a reply and makes you stand by what you first posted.
I can see that logic. The 60 minutes was a compromise between all (which is what it was) and nothing. I'm a stickler for spelling and typographical errors so I often go back in and fix them so I can see some legitimate uses for editing.
tcamos said:
I can see that logic. The 60 minutes was a compromise between all (which is what it was) and nothing. I'm a stickler for spelling and typographical errors so I often go back in and fix them so I can see some legitimate uses for editing.
That is a fair point but I've seen, on other forums, examples where someone has said something, been questioned on it, only to then go back and change their original post to make the person querying their statement look silly and change the whole tone of the thread.
In all honestly, the odd spelling error isn't the end of the world but you could also argue that you should get it right the first time, using preview to check what you've put. I use Chrome as a browser and it has a build in spell checker. (Although it does often not like English words, preferring US English which is a whole different story!)
Yes, I've seen that too and is the end of the world! ;)
But, in the case you site I do know what you are saying and say if that happens report it to a mod and we will call that person out on it since that's just not good form.
Lunar Jetman said:
I think in fact once someone replies to a post there should be no editing aloud. This prevents all sorts of confusion in a reply and makes you stand by what you first posted.
tcamos said:
I can see that logic. The 60 minutes was a compromise between all (which is what it was) and nothing. I'm a stickler for spelling and typographical errors so I often go back in and fix them so I can see some legitimate uses for editing.
For a "stickler of spelling" you seem to of missed the fact that Jetman said ' aloud ' instead of ' allowed '. :p
To be specific I mean my own spelling. I tend to ignore spelling and grammar problems in others but if that had been my post and I discovered that I would change it.

But, you bring up a good point in that if I went back and changed it now your post would make no sense so even with my spelling errors I try to make sure the thread doesn't lose continuity by the edit.

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