Can't Decide What To Add

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Fish Herder
Jun 4, 2009
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I'm Torn!

My tank is running well and current stock is:

2 x Severum (1 x gold,1 x green,heros severus) (2 x 10")
1 x Threadfin Geophagus/Acara (Acarichthys heckelii) (6")
1 x Pearl Cichlid (male,Geophagus brasiliensis) (10")
2 x Angel Fish (1 x Koi,1 x Black,Pterophyllum scalare) (6" x 2 = 12")
1 x Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)(4")
2 x Firemouth Cichlid (cichlosoma meeki)(6" x 2)
1 x Sail fin Plec (gibbiceps) (18")
4 x Black Widow Tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) (4 x 2")

I want to add one of these options to complete my stocking...




Geophagus Jurupari and a Festivum


Clown Loach x 3

What would you go with?

My set up is a 450l bow front tank running 2x external filters,2x heaters and has been running for 2 years.

I may get rid of the Black Widows and the Gourami if I go the Clown Loach route.
Id think you were maxed out on cichlids, so clown loach. However if you want to try more cichlids, the jurupari would be my option as they are lovely fish.

Ps, welcome to the forum and pics are a must please :D
Thanks for your response...I'm such a Cichlid addict!

I think going by space and my crews temperment it should be ok what i wrote,but hey your opinions are valued :)

Heres some pics

Brock my gold Sev

My Threadfin Geo

My Pearl

My Pearl again

Full tank shot
Love the pearl, wish I could find some, everytime I do, they are too expensive and Ive not got enough cash on me :rolleyes:

You should post up the sev pics in the Sev appreciation society, all new members are welcome :D
thats a stonking gold sev :good: deffinately belongs in our pinned thread.
The Pearl was a bargain I got him for £10! I see tons of baby ones for £3 at my local LFS but you can never sex them that early and the females are drab.

Amazing fish tho and a ton of personality :)

He doesent like my Threadfin much tho.

BTW why dothey call Threadfin Geophagus/Acaras 'Acara's'? are they related to the Blue Acara (a cichlid I have never kept)

Also whats your mix of fish? I'm interested on how well Sevs get on with smaller stuff (as mine have eaten alot)
Currently have a 130g tank, with 1 red spot sev, 2 (unsure of colouration sev's) heros efasciatus, 2 nicaraguan's, 1 firemouth, 1 ghost knife, 13 corydoras (of varying species), 5 boesemani, 5 lacustris (rainbows) 3 praecox, 1 bn plec and the 5 rasboras. Just removed two Thoichthys Aureus (pair).

Pic of tank is in sig :good:
lol me and minx are indeed sev nuts. yours is in lovely condition :good: the only small fish in with mine the corys. mine are in with a blue acara 2 geophagus surinamensis 2 C. spirulus 2 kribs a golden nugget plec 18 corys and a ruby shark ( added today )
Wicked :) I love Firemouth's :)

My two (Ronny and Regi) I believe are 2 of the same sex as they have never bred but they never leave eachothers side and If a fight breaks out they tag team together and kick some a** :p (which is weird because they were added 6 months apart!)

Other than that they are placid and seem to love my Pearl Cichlid they hang around with him all the time.

Its weird I don't have any territory struggles in my tank really...I did when I had a Convict,he used to chase everything to the other side of the tank so i had to remove him.

I'm leaning towards a Juvi Uaru.....but I like the other options to! I have never kept a Uaru or Festivum or Jurupari before,I assume the Jurupari will be similar to the Threadfin in behavior.

Clown Loaches are great to...very colourful (and expensive...) but I think they prefer to be in Large groups which I dont really have room for.

I also like Red Tail Black Sharks but I don't want to upset the balance I have with Aggression.
went to lfs for livefood today and they had it for £3.50 the rest is errm history :lol: have posted piccy in the pics section :good:

i would think you could work a red tailed black shark in there. all pretty robust cichlids
Ooo Kribs.... hmmm :) your getting my brain ticking here!

Man I wish I had a 30ft tank so I could just stock every cichlid possible lol!
Hmmmm Gahhhhhh lol! teasin me..

C'mon help make my mind up!

Heres the new shortlist

Blue Acara
Clown Loaches
Ruby or Red Tail Shark

Out of these I have only ever kept Clowns and Kribensis...whats the pros and cons and what would you go with from that list?

Oh or a big shoal of Corys...

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