Cannot get clear water!


New Member
Feb 14, 2020
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Hi everyone,

Last month I had issues with an algae bloom in my tank which I was able to resolve thanks to the advice of some other forum members in another post.

However I now seem to be facing another issue that I cannot get my water clear, there seems to be almost a white haze in the water, and any water change only seems to remove the issue for 24 hours before I am back to square one.

All my parameters ie, ammonia nitrite and nitrates are in order and the temperature is sitting at approx 78 degrees.

Any help in resolving this will be much appreciated!


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Judging by the stocking, plant growth, and lack of algea it looks like a very new tank. Without a lot of info, it'd be a total guess to say this is the leftovers of that bacterial bloom you had. Big water changes in the near future may rid this. So here's some questions for you before we can get to the root of this issue.

How long has the tank been set up?

How often do you change your water and how much do you take out?

What exactly are ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels?

What exactly do you add into the tank?

Depending on the cause of this, some mechanical filtration like filter floss may or may not help.
In my cichlid tank which has very messy fish changing out the mechanical media makes a huge difference and within hours the tank becomes noticeably more clear.
In another tank which has only a sponge filter, the tank is always crystal clear. Sponge filters are great biological filtration but not so great at mechanical.
Tank has been set up for approximately 6 months, when doing weekly water changes I take out approximately 50 percent, and dechlorinate the new water with tetra safestart.

Ammonia and nitrite are 0ppm and Nitrates are 10ppm.

I add 5ml of seachem flourish excel twice weekly.

The tank is filtered by a fluval u3 internal filter
I totally agree..You May need a 50percent water change.
Also I have found the product Accu clear to work well to clear up cloudy tanks.
I'd suggest discontinuing the use of the tetra safe start. This is mainly used for new tanks and is not really a conditioner at all. I do not believe it removes chlorine which is the main reason for adding conditioner in the first place.

Now that your tank has established itself after 6 months, you do not need to add the live bacteria that this product claims to provide. I'm not sure if this is possibly the issue, but it is something you definitely do not need anymore.

I would use a conditioner like prime instead.

Water parameters are perfect and 50% water change a week is perfect as well based on your stocking.

Change to a better conditioner and see if that helps, if not add mechanical filtration. If things appear to get any worse, do larger water changes.

I do a 75% water change, but my fish are bigger and messier. I'd feel very comfortable with a 50% in your tank.
I agree. Get Seachem Prime conditioner.

Also, preform 50% water changes until things improve.

You may be looking at algae in the water. If this is the case, reduce lighting for 2-3 hours per day.
How long are the lights on. As pheonix mentioned, this could be an issue as well if it is algea.

It is best to find the sweet spot with the lighting and keep them on a timer.
This is likely a bacterial bloom. I do not recall the green water issue but depending upon how that was dealt with, this bloom could be expected. Or it may be due to the similar problem, organics on which these waste bacteria feed.

SafeStart might be a factor, some bacterial supplements will do this, but I am not saying it is, just might. But it is not a dechlorinator so how are you dealing with chlorine (& chloramine?) at water changes?

Do not use Flourish Excel. This is glutaraldehyde, a highly toxic disinfectant. Are you using any plant fertilizers (aside from this so-called carbon supplement)? Flourish Comprehensive Supplement would be a good choice, if such is needed, and much safer for the fish unless overdosed.

I am not a fan of Prime because of what it does, which is more than necessary in most cases and this is not good for the fish. If chlorine and/or chloramine is all you have to deal with in the tap water, API's Tap Water Conditioner is about the best there is. Highly concentrated (more than Prime if just treating chlorine) so less is needed, which benefits fish.
My apologies, I meant to say that I am using tetra aquasafe as my dechlorinator, not tetra safestart.

The green water was dealt with by way of heavy daily water changes and gravel vacuuming for a week, lowering the amount of light the tank is exposed to and reduced amounts of feeding. This resolved the green water issue entirely but it now it seems like you say Byron to look like a bacterial bloom, similar to when I was cycling my tank
Over the years I have had several bacteria blooms sometimes they clear up quickly and some times it takes a week and a water change or two. Hang in there. Keep an eye on your ammonia test in case your tanks cycle broke.

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