Canister Or Hob.

haha no worries i know the feeling :p haha
i would sugest senegal sand i think is in my tank but my new tank, is your tank going to be planted? then black will be nice
Zikofski said:
haha no worries i know the feeling
i would sugest senegal sand i think is in my tank but my new tank, is your tank going to be planted? then black will be nice
I just use easy plants like java fern, anubius, elodea and mosses really, so not rooted plants.
I have gravel but only reason for sand is if i get bottom dwellers in future really, but still scared about stories of sand compacting like hard and trapping stuff, well i have a pool at home so ppl are saying use pool filter sand as its thicker and obviously wont compact or it wouldnt be able to filter my pool I think idk lol
some sands wil compact over time i think play sand dose a little not much but trapping anything not herd of that tbh, unless you bury something under the sand when you put it in it should be alright and like you said bottom dwellers will disturb the sand making the top layer not as compact, pool filter sand is another good one, i prefer the more expensive sand its like very very small gravel pieces like 1mm so it still safe for cory's and stuff 
just when you put sand in just be careful do it in stages or if you can empty the tank out if you have a spare or a large enough bucket to put the fish in for 30 mins while you do this
Zikofski said:
some sands wil compact over time i think play sand dose a little not much but trapping anything not herd of that tbh, unless you bury something under the sand when you put it in it should be alright and like you said bottom dwellers will disturb the sand making the top layer not as compact, pool filter sand is another good one, i prefer the more expensive sand its like very very small gravel pieces like 1mm so it still safe for cory's and stuff 
just when you put sand in just be careful do it in stages or if you can empty the tank out if you have a spare or a large enough bucket to put the fish in for 30 mins while you do this
yes I have my matured 60 litre axolotl tank , so when I decide to change everything I'll put my fish in tthe axolotl tank and just move my axolotl into the fridge for a day or so, then I can set up the new 125 litre from scratch without any stress for the fish
I have used the same Argos play sand for 7 years in one tank now, just about to change it for black sand. It hasn't ever clumped, but mostly because my plec & the khulis do a really good job of repositioning all my sand on a weekly basis!
I'm personally a fan of getting equipment out of the tank, but it's not always financially practical or possible due to other reasons. Going down the DIY canister for smaller tanks is also an option, easy to do and not too costly.
YesI have everything ready.
My 125 litre and stand, an Eheim ecco pro 300 cannister, an hydor 200 w inline heater, Eheim clear inlet/outlet istallation kit, some dennerle natural white crystal quartz substrate (says its 1-2 mm rounded grain and ok for bottom feeders)
All I need now is to find the time and motivation to set it all up lol
Lol i can understand the need to motivate. I have just finished redecorating my living room and IF my new stand feet arrive tomorrow, saturday becomes build day... if I can be bothered with it this weekend.

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