Canister Maintenance


Fish Fanatic
Dec 31, 2013
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i was wondering if anyone had any good tips about canister maintenance.  Im thinking i should alternate what media i change out to keep that good bacteria around and my LFS suggested i change the O ring on it.  Thats about as far as i could find.  Any and all tips n tricks that you can think of would be greatly appreciated.  I have a Fluval 306.  
Just keep the  O ring lubed up and you'll be fine forever :p
Filter floss is always good to keep inside of it and remove any carbon stuff, Don't need it.
techen said:
Just keep the  O ring lubed up and you'll be fine forever

Filter floss is always good to keep inside of it and remove any carbon stuff, Don't need it.
what is filter floss? 
no carbon? what should i replace it with?
More media, Sponges, Anything. Don't need carbon, Waste of money.
Filter floss is just foss that filters fine bits of dirt or dust etc, Really good and cheap to buy in large amounts.
Filter floss is considered mechanical filtration.  You would use it to trap particles that make it into the filter.  Carbon is chemical filtration.  So you wouldn't really swap one for the other since they do different things.  I recenlty swapped my carbon out for Seachem's Purigen.  Made a huge difference in my water clarity. 
I have a hang on back filter that has lots of room for media.   I use a low density sponge first, then 2 layers of filter floss,  then ceramic media.  I rinse out the sponge in tank water about every 2 weeks.  I plan on changing the lower layer of floss every couple weeks as well but not on the same day that I rinse out the sponge.   When the sponge is too grundgy,  I will cut and remove half of it at a time to keep the beneficial bacteria healthy.   I do not plan on changing or cleaning the ceramic rings unless they get really grundgy.  The key is don't change out all the media at once.
Thanks for all the help guys! if anyone thinks of any more tips or tricks i would love to hear them

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