Candy Cane Pleco


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California (Redding)
He has grown about a 1/2 inch since I got him, he will actually bully the marbled pleco I have with him that is 4 times his size, crackes me up to watch.

Jelly Bean

I wish he had his fins up at the time, but he only sits still for a half a second, so I snapped a shot as fast as I could.
Aw! Those tiny Plecos are adorable, I've got 3 BN's in my tank now all an inch. I feel you on their constant movement! Haha, it's a good picture though.
I think that's a clown pleco, not a candy striped pleco, but it's hard to tell from the photo. Does he look like this:


or like this:

edit: The more I look at your pic, the more convinced I am it's a "clown pleco". Don't worry, I made the same mistake and bought a clown pleco that was labelled as a 'candy striped pleco' at petsmart.
Beings I didn't buy it from a "chain store" and the LFS I did buy it from is very reputable and has been in business for 28 years, I feel certain that the fish were labeled correctly. He orders them directly for a fish supplier that doesn't do wild caughts. But thank you for your imput.
I don't think it matters where you got the fish from, or where your lfs gets his supply from, what matters is, the clown pleco is commonly confused with the candy cane pleco. The picture you showed us looks very much more like a clown pleco than a candy cane pleco. The candy cane has two color bars of almost equal width, the clown pleco has thick dark brown bars, and very thin light yellow bars, just like in the picture you showed us.

I'd like to see more pictures though, since you seem so convinced...
add to that the fact that 'candy cane' pleco isnt a commonly used name...

Candy stripped - fair enough - but i've not heard of a candy cane pleco before.

from that picture it does look more like a clown to me rather than a candy striped.
Glad you posted that smith. Fully respect your opinion when it comes to plecs.
pseud said:
Glad you posted that smith. Fully respect your opinion when it comes to plecs.
head swell :*) - Thanks pseud

troutfly - If you can get a closed piccy we'll be able to ID it for definate :)
Unfortunately, that is as close as I can get to the little bugger, evey time I try to get closer, it swims away. I can't focus in on it either because I already have the camera set on macro and it won't focus in any better, it is only 1 1/2 inches long.
troutfly said:
Unfortunately, that is as close as I can get to the little bugger, evey time I try to get closer, it swims away. I can't focus in on it either because I already have the camera set on macro and it won't focus in any better, it is only 1 1/2 inches long.
That's a shame. You really need to be open minded to the fact that you could be wrong, not for my sake, but for the sake of the fish and for it to thrive.

Both are omnivorous but the candy striped pleco does not really eat algae, but leans toward a more meaty diet. The clown pleco NEEDS lots of wood to rasp on, along with vegetables.
troutfly said:
Beings I didn't buy it from a "chain store" and the LFS I did buy it from is very reputable and has been in business for 28 years, I feel certain that the fish were labeled correctly. He orders them directly for a fish supplier that doesn't do wild caughts. But thank you for your imput.
I hate to burst your bubble here, but I've come across a number of "reputable" fish stores with donkey's years in the business - only to find fish clearly marked incorrectly. Plecs especially. If a shipment arrives, they are marked as "xyz" and depending on who unpacks the fish, get labled on the tank as "xyz" when they are infact "abc" (type thing) :lol:
If in any doubt - check on the www.
From your photo he looks alot like my pl*c - they're actually called (as smithrc rightly said) candy striped or Peckoltia vittata - L015.

Mine was labled vittata and from doing a bit searching I've concluded that's what it is! Great little fish and gets on really well with my nugget

Unfortunately bloozoo2 is correct that LFS do mislabel pl*cs and other catfish - I knew of an LFS who said a synodontis would only get 3"!!!!! :rofl:
boxman said:
From your photo he looks alot like my pl*c - they're actually called (as smithrc rightly said) candy striped or Peckoltia vittata - L015.

Mine was labled vittata and from doing a bit searching I've concluded that's what it is! Great little fish and gets on really well with my nugget
Forgive me, but I'm gravely skeptical of this statement.
pseud said:
boxman said:
From your photo he looks alot like my pl*c - they're actually called (as smithrc rightly said) candy striped or Peckoltia vittata - L015.

Mine was labled vittata and from doing a bit searching I've concluded that's what it is!  Great little fish and gets on really well with my nugget
Forgive me, but I'm gravely skeptical of this statement.
I'd love to know why you're so "graveley sceptical" ??
If you look at this pic on PlanetCatfish you can very clearly see the likeness to the OP's (unclear) pic.

Edit: in fact, if you look at the tail tips - you can see it looks a whole lot more like a Candy Striped Plec than a Clown Plec.
boxman said:
Unfortunately bloozoo2 is correct that LFS do mislabel pl*cs and other catfish - I knew of an LFS who said a synodontis would only get 3"!!!!! :rofl:

There are species of Synodontis that do stay smaller. S. nigriventri will get around 3-4" and the featherfin upside down (forget latin name) will only reach around 2-3". ;)

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