Can You?

Sorry truck I am with Ludwig on this one :good:

Geez!! guys!!... don't put me on a spot here.... I am the world's worst electrician and have always just followed my instincts and apart from a few high voltage shocks here & there, which I survived,... I just did it, and it worked.... so my suggestion here is (IMO... IMO.... IMO)....
If the tubes are higher than the rated ballast then likely hood is the tube(s) wont start or if they do they may blink or be duller than rated and expected.

If the tubes are lower wattage than the ballast rating then they will work fine and dandy there is a likely hood that the tubes expected life may be reduced slightly because of the higher wattage.

In a perfect world :lol: one would use the correct wattage tube for the rated system but I had a quick look out the window and its still a bit doggy out there :lol: :good:

Regards Ian .
If the tubes are higher than the rated ballast then likely hood is the tube(s) wont start or if they do they may blink or be duller than rated and expected.

If the tubes are lower wattage than the ballast rating then they will work fine and dandy there is a likely hood that the tubes expected life may be reduced slightly because of the higher wattage.

In a perfect world :lol: one would use the correct wattage tube for the rated system but I had a quick look out the window and its still a bit doggy out there :lol: :good:

Regards Ian .

See.... I told you so......
I can assure you all it is the other way around. the ballast must be smaller or equal to the tubes or there is a risk of blowout.

Many tank/hood manufacturers actually underpower their ballasts!!! So when you buy a starter unit like the Arcadia ones and it says 15-20W, that means it will power tubes between 15 and 20W BUT it will only be pushing 15W into then!!!

Too much difference and the tube may just light at the ends (15W ballast into 30W tubes) because there is not enough power to light it all up.

Basically I dare you to get your nice new mobile phone. cut the charger cable (probs circa 5V) and then connect a 12V to it.

See if it works again after that!!!!

You can underpower things but if you over power them you burn them out if not instantly then eventually.

For those of you with Fluval Uno or Duo tanks then they are all underpowered!!!!

Sounds very much like you know what you're talking about, but as I read it in the OT, the ballast is 54W and it only has to do 39W tubes...... I see some reserves in there or am I still ignorant??....
I really hate playing the I got the t-shirt thing on this I am not a qualified electrician I am however a qualified electrical engineer ( not in fish tanks ) but Years and Years of experience on the road as a service engineer have taught me what I posted and I stand by it . If I post something it is my opinion and or experience no one has to take it but I do not make it up for a laugh.

Mobile phones verses fluorescent tubes sorry lost the comparison on that one But I guess Its up to the individuals views and we are not all going to agree all of the time.

Oh you did Ludwig :lol: And as I said in your other post :lol: case in note buddy

Regards Ian
I really hate playing the I got the t-shirt thing on this I am not a qualified electrician I am however a qualified electrical engineer ( not in fish tanks ) but Years and Years of experience on the road as a service engineer have taught me what I posted and I stand by it . If I post something it is my opinion and or experience no one has to take it but I do not make it up for a laugh.

Oh you did Ludwig :lol: And as I said in your other post :good: case in note buddy

Regards Ian

Well, Then... I'm in good company And I know what I'm talking about... I'll stick to my original theory!!
as coley said, if a starter is underpowered lets say by 20% then that 54watt starter is kicking out aproximatly 43 watts, on a 39 watt tube, which is overpowered but not much, my theory maybe wrong but worth a crack

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