Can You Transform Your Freshwater Tank - Into A Nano?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 21, 2006
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I've been hankering for a nano tank since i first saw one.

From what i've seen it looks complicated - all this drilling people do, sumps, buckets with pipes and filters under their tank.

Is it really that complicated?!
NO its not complicated.

Lets say that you set up a 10 gallon.All you need for a filter is 10 pounds of live rock and a power head.
For salt mixing you need a 5 gallon bucket,power head,refractometer and salt
If you dont want corals a standard NO FW light will do.If you want corals you can go with PC,T5 or MH bulbs.
Test kits are a must.
And Ro water is needed .RO is water that is about 95% H2O.You can buy it at a lfs or buy a RO filter.
with sumps and thinga ma bobs they IMO only are needed on bigger tank when you have like 50 pieces of equiptment. Also as the person said above to have corals you will definately have to replace your bulbs for more power . aim for 2- 3 watts per gallon. Also look for bubls in the 'marine spectrum' (means that if a bubl has a ratink of 12 - 14 k its bluer)
You can have a very simple nano tank without drilling or plumbing:
-20G tank
-AquaClear HOB for media

Read the FAQs in nano to get a feel.


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