Can You Take The Internal Filter Out Of A Juwel Trigon 190 Tank?

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May 20, 2006
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can you take the internal filter out of a juwel trigon 190 tank?

Is it easy to fit a external filter?

what are these tanks like as i am thinking of buying a corner tank around 200l.
Yes the internal filters can be taken out. They have small sticky pads down the sides that attatch to the glass and you can use a long flat thin object to slice down the side inbetween. I used an old stainless steel standard sized ruler that i had obtained from my school days and it did the trick perfectly. you then just remove any left over sticky stuff by rubbing/peeling it off :) Externals are a piece of cake to fit, most come with manuals and/or dvd's.

Never have been keen on Juwel filters, i've removed mine from my Rio 180
as above mate yes you can and yes you should external is the way to go. I found if you use a heat gun on a low setting or a hair dryer to heat up the pads first makes it a lot easier.
Hi there Michelle.
An external filter, what I would call a canister filter in the US, is often the best choice in terms of both filter volume and media flexibility. I am going to assume you are facing a 190 litre tank which I think of as a 50 US gallon tank. If I were faced with an unfiltered tank that size, I would look to getting a Rena XP2 to filter it. I have seen good reviews of the Tetratech and Eheim filters by other people here, but have no personal experience with them. They are simply not available or are too expensive to consider in the US. The Eheim are too expensive and the Tetratech are not available at any price.

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