can you suggest a puffer for a 5 gallon tank?

its a bit smaller than the brachygobius dorae, i forget the exact latin name but its brachygobius X.... but otherwise looks pretty similar
Any of these, only ones I could find.

1. Brachygobius aggregatus (Philippine Bumblebee)
2. Brachygobius doriae (Doria's Bumblebee Goby) I know you said not this one
3. Brachygobius kabiliensis
4. Brachygobius mekongensis
5. Brachygobius nunus
6. Brachygobius sabanus
7. Brachygobius sua
8. Brachygobius xanthomelas
9. Brachygobius xanthozona

I hope this isn't "hijacking" but it is a related question ...

I'm working on a "project" to do a heavily planted 5.5 gallon tank -- with a hair grass "carpet" and such (haven't decided on what all plants I'm going to use yet).

Would this be an appropriate tank for a single dwarf puffer? (Once it's well cycled of course, as I've read they're very delicate.) I wasn't sure if they liked heavily planted tanks or not.
mandi said:
I wasn't sure if they liked heavily planted tanks or not.
I have a bunch of plants in my tank and my DPs seem to like to relax in there when they tire of "The Tiger Life" lol :D
mandi said:
Would [a heavily planted tank be suitable for]a single dwarf puffer? (Once it's well cycled of course, as I've read they're very delicate.) I wasn't sure if they liked heavily planted tanks or not.
Yes the love the plants.
In the wild they live in the weedy margins of rivers where they hide in the undergrowth.
I just wanted to add from my experience with DP's that I have kept three in a 5g hex with barnacles for caves. I have had no losses and no fighting. I even had a pleco in their when he was very small, but I needed to give him a larger tank...but they never nipped at him. I would have moved them up to a 10g, but I haven't had any problems. If anything they swim around and hide and follow one another (almost like their schooling). In the year I've had them I've had no problems with competing for food or room. I've perhaps just became lucky. They're all females, perhaps that has something to do with it. I'll eventually move them into a heavily planted 10g, but I've got too many tanks in the works now and seeing this tank as nothing problematic then it's not a first priority. My larger puffers on the other hand are little terrors, but in the case of Dwarf Puffers I haven't experienced a problem whatsoever. They're fat, happy little buggers.

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