Can You Sex My Rams Please?

Can you post other pictures of them?  I wouldn't bet money on either based on those pictures.  LOL!
Better pictures would be helpful but they are Bolivian rams so they are hard to sex whether the pictures are blurry as anything or high quality professional photography stuff :/
The only way that I know to tell for Bolivian Rams [some asked for help sexing them yesterday in this post here], is the shape of the ventricle tube, which is not clearly visible in either of the pictures.  Male's are thin, pointed, and swept back towards and the anal fin.  Female's are larger and more bulbous.
In the abstract, it might be worth creating a thread of sexed photos to which new keepers can compare their own fish.  Because the descriptions that one can give, are too often to imprecise and cause doubt.  Like caudal fin extensions can be present in both male and females [lyre-like in shape] but is particularly pronounced in males which make comparison in full grown fish easy.  The same which the dorsal spine extensions: the 3 and 4 can be raised in both male's and females but are generally particularly more so in males, although this is hard to see except when they are displaying.  And the back ever of the dorsal fin can be pointed in both cases when young while the male will grow a long extension while the female's will remain short if at all present.  Comments can also be made about head shape and, as is noted above, anal fin.  But only the ventricle tube can give a definitive answer. Especially in younger fish.

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