Can You Make A Complaitn About A Lfs?


Rattie tat tat
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
I went into my LFS today, Maidenhead and was shocked to find a tank (approx.40ltrs), that housed 4 adult angels and around 24 odd bettas. Now, the LFS told me they were female but after watching them, a good half are male, there were about 5 females really bloated, I would say egg bound. There was a betta struggling to move along the bottom, if the angels weren't going at the bettas, the bettas were going at the angels. And there was one black angel laying on it's side on the floor, struggling to breath.

The assistant just shrugged it off, said he'd been working in fish shops for 10 yrs and it was fine to keep angels and bettas together :crazy:

It was pure cruelty!

Can a formal complaint be made anywhere about that?
you should ask to speak to the store manager, and if they don't do anything about it, then ask who is above them. They can't not tell you. The higher ups of Maiden Head Aquatics won't really know what is going on in every single shop, and may not be too pleased about it if they are made aware. Take pictures on your phone or something before you speak to anyone and if needs be, send them to the higher-ups
Surely you could of asked to see the manager?

I've had the male/female debate myself with an LFS and no matter what you say you wont win. The customer is never right in an lfs!
you can call the rspca, but just think whether it is like that all the time? or its just a one off, they may not have known about the females being males as a new shipment make have just arrived, the adult angels could have come from someones tank and having nowhere else to go in the store ended up in there

just think before you do call the rspca, its not nice when it is a genuine mistake [trust me]
The assistant I spoke to was the assistant manager.............go figure huh!

I took a load of pics of other fish in there today, gonna see if I have any of that tank

you can call the rspca, but just think whether it is like that all the time? or its just a one off, they may not have known about the females being males as a new shipment make have just arrived, the adult angels could have come from someones tank and having nowhere else to go in the store ended up in there

just think before you do call the rspca, its not nice when it is a genuine mistake [trust me]

It was a female betta tank and when I said some of them look like males, he told me they could well be but it isn't a problem as they are young, even tough, at that time 4 were going at an angle :sad:
Too be fair, lfs bettas are probably better off dead anyway. Perhaps if things go pear shaped with them for long enough they'll stop stocking them.
why do they keep bettas in tiny little boxes?

theres a load in my LFS in really really tiny boxes and they just sit at the bottom all bored... It's probably 3 inchces wide, 6 high and 2 deep...?
I asked for a pair of pearl gourami's today.answer? "What? A male and female?"
Same place had randomly sized Knife fish "good community fish"
How difficult is a little training for these places??
They're only in there for a few weeks, which is why small tanks are cramped. Contacting any animal charity is pointless, their excuse is, it's only a fish, the RSPCA couldn't give a toss about an animal that lives in water unless it has feathers.
why do they keep bettas in tiny little boxes?

theres a load in my LFS in really really tiny boxes and they just sit at the bottom all bored... It's probably 3 inchces wide, 6 high and 2 deep...?
Because it's practical, cheap and is ideal for the amount of time in which the Betta's remain in the LFS.
Very true,the green machine near me is amazing,show fish standards for sale in my opinion.And I think in the other place I was in today,I got a student on a break,so I wasn't saying anything about the staff at shops in general,but,management at some places should take more care in hiring.
Seen something siniliar in LFS recently, I was very shicked and surprised as they are a very good shop, lately trying some "exotic" species other than the bread and butter fish, now I will admit I wouldn't know a Beta if if climbed out the tank and bit me somewhere personal but thay had a small tank full of what I know as male siamese fighters, they were all bent and hunched on the bottom, small holding tank about 12"(?) with dozens of these poor guys in there all ripped up and stressed and dying, not pretty. :sick:
I did phone the RSPCA once when a local chain went bust and shut down, the moved stock out and the shop was empty, all the tanks were still full of fish (?) not nice, I do believe there is a common thought of "it's only a fish, who cares", shame the way people think, there that's my two ccents, climbing down off the soap box as I type :crazy: :grr:

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