Can you help me sex my livebearers?

I know what you mean but wether the anal fin is pointy edged or rounded edged, it's still V-shape before any anal fin transition takes place. But I'm aware of what you mean by the the tip of the anal fin. Like I'd already mentioned, I'm keeping, breeding and sexing guppies for over 4 decades.
And I do hope that you are also aware that not all ovoviviparous livebearer females and young males have a V-shaped anal fin. I'm not referring to viviparous livebearers such as goodeids or halfbeaks for instance. For those have a complete other shaped anal fin.
But thank you for the feedback... Always nice to chit chat about it.
No that is not the tip of the anal fin, the whole anal vin would be slightly round or not, if not it is a male.
Not to mentioned as I said before, look the pictures back, THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK THE SAME!
But whatever, as-long someone says he sexes guppies for 4 decades everything else goes I guess...
Just remember the guys who do it don't have to mention that.

Every breeder selects based on the gonopodium within the first week.
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No that is not the tip of the anal fin, the whole anal vin would be slightly round or not, if not it is a male.
Not to mentioned as I said before, look the pictures back, THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK THE SAME!
But whatever, as-long someone says he sexes guppies for 4 decades everything else goes I guess...
Just remember the guys who do it don't have to mention that.

Every breeder selects based on the gonopodium within the first week.
You´re from Holland as well, I see... :)

I do know a lot of other guppy breeders (Holland and abroad) as well but not every guppy breeder selects within the first week of a guppy´s life. I select also pretty early. But again, not every guppy breeder selects so early.

I do understand what you mean by the anal fin. Don't get me wrong. For I do sense a bit of irritation in your reply. But again, I'm not a beginner either.
Like I've mentioned everybody's got his/her own way of sexing. As long as it works, it's good.

And to show that I do know what you mean, I'd like to refer to this link: If you scroll down than you'll find a piece about this subject. And yes, it refers also to the anal fin. And then you will notice that we are on the same page.
Yes aswel and no I don't accept it when people are not right but pretend they do.

I know what you mean but wether the anal fin is pointy edged or rounded edged, it's still V-shape before any anal fin transition takes place. But I'm aware of what you mean by the the tip of the anal fin. Like I'd already mentioned, I'm keeping, breeding and sexing guppies for over 4 decades.
And I do hope that you are also aware that not all ovoviviparous livebearer females and young males have a V-shaped anal fin. I'm not referring to viviparous livebearers such as goodeids or halfbeaks for instance. For those have a complete other shaped anal fin.
But thank you for the feedback... Always nice to chit chat about it.

You pretend like we are talking about something else while we don't.
Well, you try but there is where you go wrong.
Every guppy breeder that does this for longer than a week can sex them after 3 days. (except you, it seems)

Letting things go is stupid, it seems, then people like you think you are right.
While in fact people like me are tired of you changing the topic and pretending you don't.
Yes aswel and no I don't accept it when people are not right but pretend they do.

I know what you mean but wether the anal fin is pointy edged or rounded edged, it's still V-shape before any anal fin transition takes place. But I'm aware of what you mean by the the tip of the anal fin. Like I'd already mentioned, I'm keeping, breeding and sexing guppies for over 4 decades.
And I do hope that you are also aware that not all ovoviviparous livebearer females and young males have a V-shaped anal fin. I'm not referring to viviparous livebearers such as goodeids or halfbeaks for instance. For those have a complete other shaped anal fin.
But thank you for the feedback... Always nice to chit chat about it.

You pretend like we are talking about something else while we don't.
Well, you try but there is where you go wrong.
Every guppy breeder that does this for longer than a week can sex them after 3 days. (except you, it seems)

Letting things go is stupid, it seems, then people like you think you are right.
While in fact people like me are tired of you changing the topic and pretending you don't.

I can’t believe you have the audacity to come on here over 2 months later and have a dig at @emeraldking like that! Not only was your comment rude but talking down to him like he is an idiot is not on! You have beef with him outside of the forum or from previous posts that’s fine but don’t be throwing your crap around because he has different beliefs to you. Emerald king is a very well respected member here with a lot of knowledge on livebearers and coming here and throwing digs is not going to get you anywhere.
Well, thank you Aussie_Bristle for defending me. But to be honest, there's nothing that has to be defended.
I don't know this member in person. Eventhough, we're from the same country as it seems. I am fully capable to defend myself. But again, there's nothing that should be defended. We only came across in this topic. Not something else.
I feel sorry for this member that he/she feels the urge to reply this way. In my reply overhere within this topic, there's nothing rude coming from my side.
It's written that I've changed the subject while I didn't. Read my replies over, I'd say. And reacting like this because he/she is a guppy enthusiast isn't justified as well. For I'm also a guppy enthusiast and I can behave myself. So, there's already a difference.
Every guppy breeder that does this for longer than a week can sex them after 3 days. (except you, it seems)
Really, every guppy breeder that does this longer than a week is able to sex them after 3 days? Yes, you can sex them after a couple of days. But not everyone that breed them longer than a week (that's a weird time limit) can sex them. The way this has been said, such a person won't be taken seriously in the serious guppy world. And I am no stranger to the serious guppy world.
And I've certainly have not mentioned that it's not possible to sex them after a few days. Why would I? For I am one of those who is also able to sex them quite early.
Having mentioned this all, I'd like to let it go. For it's not even worth to put some effort in this. It's got nothing to do with serious aquaristics. Seems more like an ego thing. And I don't like to take part in it...
And there's nothing negative about having a different view on things. It makes it even more interesting. But it should be discussed in a mature way and not in a childish way. Reacting aggressively has got nothing to do with being passionate about the aquarium hobby. Not even if he/she would be right about something.

That's all people... :)
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Every breeder selects based on the gonopodium within the first week.
One last thing: In the first week the anal fin is still an anal fin. We can't speak about a gonopodium yet.
We can oly speak about a gonopodium once the anal fin has turned into a sexual organ.

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