Can You Help Me Please.....


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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hia :)

the power head i ordered finally arrived today, but it doesnt have 2 independent heads like i thought, its 1 dual head :/

so i have no idea where to place it to get the most beniefit from it, at the moment its on one side pointing down/across,dosent seem to be having a lot of effect on the opposite side of the tank ( 6000lph) ill have to get another i think, but cant for a couple of weeks as i had to pay the excess for a new windscreen :( so for the time being id like to get the most from this one :)

many thanks in advance

shelagh xxx
Pop up a quick pic of it ...meantime i'd place it in the middle of the back wall, near to the surface and point it slightly towards the surface, giving plenty of turbulence.
Can't help Shelagh but just being nosey and wondering how the tank is coming along? Is Bo jealous (lol)
thanks you two :)

dont have a photo, but this is the exact one

hi indigoj.. no hes not jelous at all, hes had a new external and being spoilt rotten ( more for my guilt than him :lol: ) only because he can see the other tank from his and i didnt want him to feel left out :) tank is coming along fine ( much to my surprise) the grassy stuff is starting to die off, phosphates have dropped,as has ammonia, so yeah im quite pleased... been busy hunting down water carriers ( not as easy as i thought but managed to get 25L ones for £4.85 each + postage+ under £8 :) )

im just away to move that PH now,
if i do need another should i get the same one or a single/higher/lower LPH ?
Personally i'd go for korallias as you get more scope to adjust their position and therfor their flow.....can't remember your volume but aim for a turn over of around 20x per hour..

Keep this one in position on the back and add one large, or even better, two small single heads, one either side of the tank.
Aww cool shelagh. Sounds like your salty tank is coming along nicely :)
wow!! what a differnce.. theres cr*p blowing everywhere :blush: , i certainly see why circulation is important :thumbs:
the tank looks so much more alive too with the light/ripples.. ill have a look at the korila singles, maybe one for each side?

oh its 180litres by the way :)
wow!! what a differnce.. theres cr*p blowing everywhere :blush: , i certainly see why circulation is important :thumbs:
the tank looks so much more alive too with the light/ripples.. ill have a look at the korila singles, maybe one for each side?

oh its 180litres by the way :)

congrats shelagh!

In theory this and your return from the external means you won't really need anymore flow shelagh..if anything your rigged up with enough flow even for sps,lol....minimum you needed would have been 3600lph
brill :)

just had a bit of a dust in the tank with an algae sponge... loads of dead grassy stuff came away..really pleasing. got stung/bitten by something :( may have been just the sharpness of the grass tho.
ill let it settle and add some new pics and some test results in the morning.

thanks indigoj, im determined to make a success of it :)
brill :)

just had a bit of a dust in the tank with an algae sponge... loads of dead grassy stuff came away..really pleasing. got stung/bitten by something :( may have been just the sharpness of the grass tho.
ill let it settle and add some new pics and some test results in the morning.

thanks indigoj, im determined to make a success of it :)
could have been a bristle worm.

but, whenever i was trying to kill aiptasia i would get a rash and it would sting and burn. i went for an alergy test and it turns out im alergic to the stinging cells of aiptasia, wonder if it could be the same?
wow!! what a differnce.. theres cr*p blowing everywhere :blush: , i certainly see why circulation is important :thumbs:
the tank looks so much more alive too with the light/ripples.. ill have a look at the korila singles, maybe one for each side?

oh its 180litres by the way :)

Hi Shelagh,

I was going to say that I was surprised that one wasn't enough. At 6000LPH, in a 3ft tank, I'm amazed it didn't put the glass through on the other side lol. I had a 180 Jewel like you (although it wasn't bow fronted) and I had Koralia 3's which are only 3400 LPH.

Give it another try on just the one side again, and drop in a couple of bits of flake food at the other end (push them under the water). So long as the flake moves around nicely and doesn't just hang in the water, you should be fine. It might also be beneficial to only have the one, as fish and corals that require calmer currents would maybe appreciate that area.
ahh right, thank AK ,food definatly flies everywhere, the poor little clown came to the surface and soon realised that was a waste of effort as the food shot all over :lol: he got his fill tho :)
will add some pics/tests as soon as ive packed the children off to school :D

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