Fish Crazy
I apologise in advance for the picture quality (camera phone)
This is 'pleccy' he was introduced to my community tank a few days ago.
I had no prior desire to own a plec simply because i didnt know if my 96ltr jewul rekord would be able to facilitate one.
Anyway, my friends gran had this little guy in with her goldfish (cold water) and my horrified friend kindly brought him to me as im the only person she knows with a tropical tank lol

He seems fine after his ordeal anyway, he's eating the catfish pellets i feed to my corys and he's pretty small because she'd only had him for a day or so when he was rescued. I was hoping someone could help identify him so i can either find him another home (if he's gonna be too big) or keep him with my community as i have secretly grown fond of him.
Incase anyone needs to know - I've had my tank established for about 2 monthes now, it is populated with 2 bolivan rams, 3 khuli loach, 4 panda cory and according to 'thinkfish' which i've been using for stocking info that is fine, but it doesnt stop me worrying as i'm a noob and never wanted a plec -he seems to be making a constant mess of my tank lol.
Please help
This is 'pleccy' he was introduced to my community tank a few days ago.
I had no prior desire to own a plec simply because i didnt know if my 96ltr jewul rekord would be able to facilitate one.
Anyway, my friends gran had this little guy in with her goldfish (cold water) and my horrified friend kindly brought him to me as im the only person she knows with a tropical tank lol

He seems fine after his ordeal anyway, he's eating the catfish pellets i feed to my corys and he's pretty small because she'd only had him for a day or so when he was rescued. I was hoping someone could help identify him so i can either find him another home (if he's gonna be too big) or keep him with my community as i have secretly grown fond of him.
Incase anyone needs to know - I've had my tank established for about 2 monthes now, it is populated with 2 bolivan rams, 3 khuli loach, 4 panda cory and according to 'thinkfish' which i've been using for stocking info that is fine, but it doesnt stop me worrying as i'm a noob and never wanted a plec -he seems to be making a constant mess of my tank lol.
Please help