Can You Help Me Id This Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score

i got it from a friend whos tank cracked over the weekend and he is seeking refuge in my tank along with his cardinal tetras and some white cloud minnows. so far everything seems fine with these new characters but i want to double check to make sure it's going to be fine with my stock.

my current stock is
1 siamese fighter
10 harlequins
7 neon tetras
4 albino corys

so if i could get an id on this one,a bit of info on temperment and what he should really be kept with that would be great.
I think he may be a mossy barb. Please don't grill me if I'm wrong haha. But certainly looks like a type of barb.
thanks gidge, i thing your right, if it's not a mossy barb it's some sort of barb lol.

i know it's a crappy picture but the fish is almost a torquoise with orange on his face and fins.
thanks gidge, i thing your right, if it's not a mossy barb it's some sort of barb lol.

i know it's a crappy picture but the fish is almost a torquoise with orange on his face and fins.
Your picture isn't crappy, I just wasn't 100% sure haha. But it's got to be some kind of barb :)
Sorry! Totally forgot the other part of your post. But yes, as nurglespuss says, a school of at least 6-8 will minimise the aggression.
Platinum barb


i recommend rehoming, unless you can get another 8/10 and even then i dont think your figher will do well with barbs, or the corys.
Tizer, your amazing !!

And he has been hassling my cories this morning.

Best rehome him then, best for him and my fish.

Would he couple better with cichlids ?
I'd never seen them before until yesterday when i was mooching around my local World of Water. They are quite a stunning little fish, but yeah, tiger barbs are tiger barbs at the end of the day, no matter what colour, nasty little gits.

Any fish that fights back instead of swimming off is usually a good fish to keep with them. Trouble is, hes a loner, on his own, hes always going to be a bit of an oddball.
needs to be in a group regardless of which tank its in. im not entirely convinced its a platinum, ive got some green tigers here and they have the ornage flash up each side of the tail. saying that, they are also much darker green than your fish is. either way, that platinum barb looks mint, not one ive seen before. considering how common tigers are, and from personal experience having never seen a platinum barb in an lfs, odds are on its a tiger id say.
If you had of been close moochy you could of had him.
I think it's called a green tiger barb? Usually have red fins under their body, with an orange coloured face. Fin nippers :)

I used to have one, I know they can be a little moody haha, lovely fish to watch though, nice and active.

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