Can you help identify this cichlid?

Why are you keeping a roll of toilet paper in the aquarium? That's REALLY covid hoarding...;)
OMG that does look like a toilet roll in the picture - well they do poop a lot. I believe it's one of those ceramic or plastic hideaways - all these fish like to hide but there is only room for two hideaways.

Is it a consensus that I shouldn't get a second Geo? If I don't he will be in a tank with the large Gourami's and other semi-aggressive fish. While the Geo is by far the most dominant, he's never actually hurt another fish - neither have the Gourami, some of who are described as "peaceful" which hasn't been my experience, but they are just mildly aggressive. If you can believe it I once had Pearl Gourami's in this tank with them! Besides severe overcrowding the Pearl's were just nervous wrecks so I put them in with one of my peaceful community tanks where they get to be a little bit bossy.

Right now I have everything I need for the 55 gallon tank except the tank itself. It is on backorder - should have checked ebay, they have lots - but I ordered a much more expensive (and lighter) acrylic tank (I already have 1 acrylic and like it). As soon as it gets here we will start the difficult process of transferring the fish. The room is ready but we'll have to take the current stand and tank away before we can replace it with the new one. (anybody want a cheap 29 gallon tank?). Then I should actually have a little room for 1 or 2 more large fish that can handle mild aggression without making it worse. Any suggestions on what fish to get - we really want something pretty. The Geo is tan and brown, the Orange Gourami is tiger striped, the other 4 Gourami are all light blue. It's ugly and boring.

Ammonia and Nitrites Zero, Nitrates 10, PH 7.2 - I di a 75% water change on it once per week but they are my least dirty fish other than re-excavating the arrangement constantly - I give them a LOT of gravel.
GH: 10.6 (range 6.14-15.8)
KH 5.3 (Range 2.6-7.7)

For GH and KH I'm quoting our cities website but it matches what I find in my tanks - and it varies month to month. They say since the virus occurred they are having problems breaking down those diaper wipe kind of sheets (they are supposed to be flushable but I guess not) and have had to add some extra chemicals to help them break down so we may notice slightly harder water than usual.) I guess this is due to the shortage of toilet paper believe it or not!
My vote goes for no to adding more geos. You don't want to acquire fish that you cannot currently house correctly. It's best to set the tank up first - then stock accordingly.

You really shouldn't have one of those fish in that sized tank, adding will not make anything better.

They are best kept in groups with sand substrate and a 75g or more. A 55 may work, but you could really make use of that extra water volume and larger footprint of a 75g to house the group.
No more Geo's or anything else will go into THIS tank - it's way too small as it is. Once I get my 55 gallon tank set up and going - then we will see if it's feasible to had another Geo as a friend for the existing one. Currrent tank is only 29 gallons - obviously too small for what is in there now.
Sorry didn't fully answer your question. There isn't enough room anywhere we can find for a 75 or larger. I can barely fit the 55 gallon in this area. Not to mention the water changes on a 75 gallon tank would get very tedious. I have to have somebody to help me with them now - I think she'd quit if she saw a 75 gallon tank.
As far as fitting the tank in a certain area, it's extremely similar in size.

I cant gaurentee your helper sticks around though!

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