Can You Guys Give Me Tips For My Bettas Mating?

Yes I`m aware of the consequences lol but I`m planning to get a 10 gal tank and it`ll be a while b4 they`re all conditioned :p
What is wrong w/feeding unwanted or deformed bettas to other large meat eaters? It's the cycle of life. My cichlids will have a nice meal if I have deformed or undisired betta fry. It's called being efficient. IF you have a problem with that, think about that cow you just ate for lunch or that pig you had for breakfast. We as humans do the same thing. :sly:

ok, that's all i need to say.
jacquelyn01 said:
What is wrong w/feeding unwanted or deformed bettas to other large meat eaters? It's the cycle of life. My cichlids will have a nice meal if I have deformed or undisired betta fry. It's called being efficient. IF you have a problem with that, think about that cow you just ate for lunch or that pig you had for breakfast. We as humans do the same thing. :sly:

ok, that's all i need to say.
in the right context there is nothing wrong with that but in this instance it was basically telling a beginner that it was ok to just go ahead and breed without bothering to study up on it truly beforehand and have your supplies and hey, if things don't work out, and you can't move them you can always dispose of the "unwanted" easily enough.
don't confuse that either with culling which of course any breeder myself included do from time to time, but i'm not like some breeders i've heard of who toss 90% of a spawn just because they weren't halfmoon etc. the fish IMO deserves respect no matter if you are breeding them or fighting them.
about that cow i ate or that pig i had for breakfast..what does that have to do with anything?, odds are that cow or pig wasn't deformed and sickly or even unwanted, it was bred and raised with the knowledge that it was serving a purpose, that being a much in demand food source. it's future was mapped out, unlike that betta who is born but doomed to die early because he is unsellable, through no fault of his own. :/
Even as inhumane as feeding deformed betta frys to bigger fish, it's only natural. It's either give a fish a good meal or well... flush/bury/kill them yourself. Deform fish can live a naturally life but it might be difficult for them.
BettasRFriends said:
Even as inhumane as feeding deformed betta frys to bigger fish, it's only natural. It's either give a fish a good meal or well... flush/bury/kill them yourself. Deform fish can live a naturally life but it might be difficult for them.
yes that's all well and fine..but it's not really what we were discussing..
BettasRFriends said:
Even as inhumane as feeding deformed betta frys to bigger fish, it's only natural. It's either give a fish a good meal or well... flush/bury/kill them yourself. Deform fish can live a naturally life but it might be difficult for them.
Yes I do agree even though it is cruel its life:dunno:

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