Can You Combine Lights To Get Higher Wattage?

Yikes, you're only 15? Thats a hefty piece of cash for someone your age. To answer your question, yeah you could grow anything with that light over a 12g. Remember, you'll run into one issue with a bulb this powerful over a tank that small... Heat. Being as young and cash conscious as you are, you may benefit more from starting with one of these and seeing how things go. If you have room for a second and heat issues don't creep up on you, you could consider a second of those kits.

What corals are you planning on growing (sorry, should have asked that first)
Iknow lol. Im just saving a ton of money. that link didn't work for this computer, but if its a weaker light, i don't really wanna buy it, just to upgrade later, like i said, might as well spend the money now, and enjoy it forever. lol i told my mom that too. I dont really know what i wanna grow. I want a medium sized zoo colony taking up the left side of the arch, which is on the left side of the tank, a featherduster on the right side of arch, and then I dont know what its called, but I saw a REALLY pretty and bright green coral at Zamzows, my lfs. Of course i would research it first, but i would put that on a single rock i have on the right side of my tank. If i thought i could handle it. Halfway to the top of that rock, theres a flat spot, and thats where the coral would go.And on that topic, can i pick where to put them? And what is an anemone? I always thought it was any type of wavy coral.
You can pick where you want to put your corals for the most part, but sometimes they may not be happy with the specific lighting/flowrate and may need to be moved.

An anemone is its own class of coral-like invertebrate. Its actually more accurate taxonomically to say that corals are descendents of anemones. Without going into a seminar on them, anemones are exceptionally aggressive organisms which require very high lighting and exceptionally stable water conditions to thrive. Hopefully I'm not insulting when I say that an anemone has no business being in a 12g nano, especially that of a novice reefkeeper. If you like that long tentacled "look", there are some corals suitable for a nano that you can keep which are much hardier and much more adaptive to captive nano conditions. Consider frogspawn, hammer, torch, or long tentacled plate corals if you are in fact after that kind of look.

Ok back to the lighting situation. The second product that I linked you was essentially a twin-tube bulb (as opposed to the quad tube I linked before). It also happens to be half the price of the quad fixture, hence I reccomended buying one, seeing if you can fit it in the hood, seeing if you have heat issues or not, and then if all is a go, buy the second fixture. You wouldn't be wasting money on upgrades and you wouldn't get yourself into a heat problem that kills all your livestock before you can blink an eye. Remember, summer is coming, and heat WILL be an issue. I just dont want to see you spending $100+ on lighting and then killing livestock for your troubles.
ok thanks,

Hopefully I'm not insulting when I say that an anemone

no, you just care, and it's advice to the novice. I do like that look, and that helps me a lot. Thanks for all the help so far. If you happen to find any help for eclipse 12 lights, be sure and tell me, ok?

Thanks again!

oh yeah, that second link never worked
Hummm, ironically enough, they just completely re-did their website and dont seem to sell that product anymore... SOB
lol, i was wondering. Thanks a lot for your help. You've helped me i all my topics, and i appreciate it.

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