Can You Check My Cuc For Me Please


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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I can't find anything "different" to keep in my 5.5 so I guess I'll just go with a normal tank, unless anybody has any ideas?

4 blue legged hermits
1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
4 astraea snails
4 cerith snails
1 emerald crab
1 turbo snail

Am I missing anything or have too much? It's a 5.5gallon tank too if you haven't already guessed.

I would only get one of the hermit crabs. I would think they could really reak havic on your snail population.

And I don't know about having a pep and cleaner in a five gallon. I look at the ones in my 29 gallon, and then at my 5 gallon betta tank and think "I don't know if there would be enough room for two of them in there". I would think there antennas would constantly be touching. :lol:
I wouldnt even bother with a hermit. They wont provide any service a Shrimp or Crab wont.
thanks, how about

1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
4 astraea snails
4 cerith snails
1 emerald crab
1 turbo snail

If the shrimp don't have enough room I can take them back, I have a large SW store by me that will take it.

Mr. Miagi I don't get what you are saying with the shrimp and crab, do they or do they not provide service?

Is there anything else I should add or take off?

thanks :good:
I think Mr. Miagi is saying a hermit crab won't do anything special, that wouldn' be covered by the capabilities by the shrimp or emerald crab. I.e. - everything you need done by a CUC is taken care of by the shrimp, snails, and emerald crab.
thanks, how about

Mr. Miagi I don't get what you are saying with the shrimp and crab, do they or do they not provide service?

I think Mr. Miagi is saying a hermit crab won't do anything special, that wouldn' be covered by the capabilities by the shrimp or emerald crab. I.e. - everything you need done by a CUC is taken care of by the shrimp, snails, and emerald crab.

Exactly. A Hermit IMO offers more negatives than positives, and as Dixiasy mentioned, they dont provide any service that a cool Shrimp wouldnt. IMO, go shrimp. :good: (Jealous of ya mate, they are affordable there.... :( )
Exactly. A Hermit IMO offers more negatives than positives, and as Dixiasy mentioned, they dont provide any service that a cool Shrimp wouldnt. IMO, go shrimp. :good: (Jealous of ya mate, they are affordable there.... :( )

LOL ok, didn't know that. Now I get what you said. I do like shrimp more than a hermit so works out ok too. Well I guess the U.S. does get a lot of stuff that Australia doesn't, though I get shrimp, I'm not allowed a sump or fuge that is under my tanks because of my parents, so there's something you can have and i can't :shifty:

Thanks a lot for the help, I think I will go with that cuc list and get it in a week or two, hopefully it won't be too expensive.
what about a red leg hermit bcuz ive always read that redelgs are much beter the blue leg

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