can you all do me a HUGE favor???


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2004
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I need to get a idea of what size tank I want and i think i am going to get it soon, sooo I was wondering if you guys could Post tanks(THE WHOLE TANK,not just fish in the tank that barley shows the tank) of all the 20-50 gallon tanks, THANKS ALOT

i already looked in some of the members aquarium tanks but it is to hard to find what i am looking for

the size of the tank and what it looks like have nothing to do with each other
you could have a beautiful planted tank and an ugly, empty and mismatched 100gallon :crazy: (or visa versa)
what you need to do is think of your restrictions

1) are you financially able to buy a larger tank
the bigger the tank, the more money you'll have to spend on parts/gravel/decorations/etc.

2) do you know what type of fish you would like to house?

-are you looking for colour?
-specific size?
-peacful fish?
-agressive fish?
-graceful or goofy awkward/comical fish?
(keep in mind that the bigger the tank, the less restriction)

3) have you ever had a tank before? for less experianced people you may want to start off with a nice 20gallon... THEN move up to a 150gallon :hyper:

if you can figure out more of what you want,
chances are we could give you a zillion great ideas :nod:

EDIT: if you still want to see some pics, then click on "MY SIG PICS" in yellow at the bottom of my reply where you will see my community and semi-aggressive 20 gallons :)
46 Gallon Bow Front


And here's a poor picture of my newly installed $20 moonlight setup.
And here's a poor picture of my newly installed $20 moonlight setup.

i love the moonlight look :wub:

i need that so that my stupid noctornal fish can be seen more than a glimpse once a week on average :grr:
Pointy_kitty said:
And here's a poor picture of my newly installed $20 moonlight setup.

i love the moonlight look :wub:

i need that so that my stupid noctornal fish can be seen more than a glimpse once a week on average :grr:
I was REALLY easy. Took less than 20 mins start to finish to install.
anyone else? and for pointy kitty, yes I had a tank before, and i never said anything about what it looks like on the inside 8)
NDIrish7 said:
anyone else? and for pointy kitty, yes I had a tank before, and i never said anything about what it looks like on the inside 8)
sorry if you got wrong idea,
i was just tryin' to get more info out of you :dunno:
what are you looking for other than the inside :huh:

oh well, did you see my tanks? :)
yeah they are very nice, also Point Kitty, seeing that u seem to know alot about all of this, how much would someone pay for around a 30 gallon tank, filter,lighting,cover,heahter,gravel?
NDIrish7 said:
yeah they are very nice, also Point Kitty, seeing that u seem to know alot about all of this, how much would someone pay for around a 30 gallon tank, filter,lighting,cover,heahter,gravel?
well its different wherever you go but here we have a kit including all of that selling for prices ranging from $119-$167
now if you bought everything separately you migh end up spending closer to $300 or more with better quality items :)

sorry the prices i gave you were for a 33 gallon kit :*)
the only other kit i have ever seen close to 30 gallons was a 29 gallon that was close in price
can i add totm for smith

and the bigger the tank the better pretty much always, sorry i have no pics

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