Can We Have A Social Area? Or An 'everything Else Area'

Also, few people are likely to read that massive chunk of test even if you attempt to force them. I think you need to get the rules more to the point if they are to be serviceable
"Keep it clean, no religion or politics, and be civil"

You can even put it in the thread title so the lazy ones don't have to click something. :p The longer version can go inside.
Not to sound too trite about it, but don't you think that the previous section had some kind of similar rules? Because it did. It didn't work.

What would be really nice is if this didn't get asked about every single month. It would be nice if this would set back, ferment for a while, and get asked about some time around August of 2010. Let the forum get through a year without any major issues, and I think that the moderating team may be willing to take this challenge back on. After what the forum has been going through the last year or so, there is zero incentive to take this on right now.

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