can u use......


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
can u use peat from the garden to lower the PH or do u have to use peat from the aquatics shop.
Both, if only the peat/turf from your garden is un-fertilized, meaning there isn't any fertilizers at all in turf.

If you buy from a-store, it probably is very expensive. I just buy 65 liters natural turf from garden-store and it was ionly 3,5 euros ;) (about same in dollars). I don't get nothing from a-store with 3,5 euros...
Yep 7chanaa, a bag of peat moss from the nursery or garden supply store is perfectly fine for use in aquaria, provided there are no additives.
You can boil it or just put it into some pail and pour water on it. After you have done it, use some fabric to filter water. You can also put (wet) turf inside your external filter. Boiling turf you get turf-water quicly - if you put turf into pail, you need to keep it in water about one day.

Water will be brownish and it's ok.

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