Can U Id This Fish

Just phoned Gavin and told him that you guys think it is a photoshop job, and he started to laugh.....The lowlife git is getting me back for a practical joke I played on him as an April Fool. I should have twigged on, cos we only have a small aquarium in the surgery to house fish, and something like that wouldn't fit. I was actually looking forward to going in tomorrow to see it for myself...

Sorry for wasting your time guys :blush: embarrased now

:shifty: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
got everyone going here mind :grr:
but seriously ive seen either that photo or one very similar before, sounds like you have a ball at this vets,,,got any vacancies? :hey:

colin t-----thats a brilliant photoshop
woah ,
that fish has HUGE lips :D
prob bigger than mine :eek: lol
It's a hybrid, we got some in from Singapore once. Horrible things, we called them Mick Jagger fish. The Asian customers went nuts over them

Mind you being from the internet it could be a photoshop original :)

Na dont think its a photoshop job, seen these things before im sure and by the sounds of it they do exist.

Big Lipped Fish
For nelly
I didn't make the fish, I found it online. It's a pretty good job tho isn't it :)


For emmsy
there are actually fish that are similar to that one. There are plenty of "interesting" creations being made up in Asia. Hybirds are becoming very popular in China and the more unusual the better. At least that is how certain people think.
You should photoshop the fish and send it back saying you got one in that looks similar to the one Gavin sent to you. Then act all confused and ask him if he was pulling your leg or being genuine :)
I would love to photoshop that pic, but I don't have photoshop and I'm not that good. If anyone wants to do it for me as a joke back, I would really appreciate it.

lol, I was gunna say mabye a big lipped cichlid and red devil cross lol good joke on u though :p
heres couple of funny ones
fox or is it a fox?

horse or is it a horse?
I'd hate to clean up after that dog :)

ain't mother nature wonderful, producing the platypus :)


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well, I feel like a total muppet now, falling for Gavin's trick, obviously, photoshop images are more common than I thought. Might dye my hair blonde, might make me understand it more.
send him a picture of the platypus and say someone sent you this photoshopped pics, what does he think is wrong with it?


Anyone for hermit crabs, I mean hippo crabs

and one for the cat lovers


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