Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

im not sure what other answers youre looking for. the only healthy method are mentioned above. anything further will not be advised or discussed.
im not sure what other answers youre looking for. the only healthy method are mentioned above. anything further will not be advised or discussed.

dont be dumb it was just a simple question to make my little fish bigger thats all i was after mate.
and upping the temp, WC, food, lots of space is pretty much what i was after
n diesel - the little fish isnt eating normaly cause it neva gets a chance to get the food and its allways hiding in my plantes because the big ones chase it, so by giving him steriods it will be better for it, and its not going to be some fish freak, just want it to grow

The names Bronzecat, Diesel is a fish.

Steroids are bad for your fish like everyone has said. Just look at what happens to humans, unless they are on prescription steroids whilst being monitored by a doctor.

And calling people dumb when they give you good advice is a bit bad.
If your fish is smaller than the norm then moving him to his own tank may help as he would get all the food he requires instead of fighting the rest of the community for his food, or you can put him into a netted container or sumsuch that you can hang in the tank.

Basically if he is fighting for his food he is using energy he could be using to grow with.

Other than what we have suggested no one is going to suggesting giving him drugs or anything like that as it isn't good for them (unless of course you add extra vitamin supplements like you would if your fish had been ill (like this Vitamins ).

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