Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys just got a question? in my com trop tank i have a tiny fish about 3cm and every other fish (about 15) are like twice its size..

i have a spare 2ft 66L tank which is set up with filter air n heater, now is there anything i can do to make my little fish grow bigger quickly?
been told if u keep the water at a higher temp like 29degs cel that it will grow bigger, but is this true or rubbish??
and is there anything i can add to the water to help??
Purposely increasing the growth rate will not be beneficial to the fish, and even considering using such things as steroids or the like beggars belief.
If the fish is eating normally, let it be.
A fish will live their life in high gear at warmer temperatures within their normal temperature range. That includes growth and aging. It also means a shorter life, in terms of actual time. The best way that I know to promote rapid healthy growth is to give a fish lots of swimming room, feed it generously with the correct food for that particular fish and keep the water pristine with frequent, several times a week, water changes. This does nothing to really accelerate the growth beyond what is normal for the fish but gives it every opportunity to live up to its potential.
thanx 4 the help guys,
well the fish is a Blue Ram cichlids n its like 3cm, i have like 4 other cichlids and there all about 10cm

so your just saying just put it by its self in my 2ft tank set the temp alittle higher(any sugestions) water change every 2nd day and feed it frozen cichlids food n it should grow alittle quciker??

n diesel - the little fish isnt eating normaly cause it neva gets a chance to get the food and its allways hiding in my plantes because the big ones chase it, so by giving him steriods it will be better for it, and its not going to be some fish freak, just want it to grow
daily feeding, frequent WC, and lots of swimming space, will help growth rate
after some ways of growing a fish quicker like on striods?? not how to keep a fish
thats why im a noob asking the fourm for some answers..

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