Can U Ask For Some Store Credit For Givig Back A Fish

MBOU said:
Doubt you'll get credit for a Tinfoil Barb, they have no value at all to the shop. Take up space, arent worth much and get huge. Rhere is one MA currently trying to shift 40 x 8-12" Tinfoils because people take on fish they cant look after or get bored of them and return them and so the shop ends up with loads of them.
If it was something the shop could actually make money from like big clown loaches or something, sure, you ought to get some credit... but when you have a species that most shops will give away or ask for a £10 rehoming fee... whats the point in giving credit for a fish they dont want? They would be doing YOU a favour in taking it off you... not the other way around.
People treat shops like swap shops and rehoming centers.... its no wonder more and more shops are taking on a 'no returns' policy (with exceptions to customers that bought fish within the week or two limit).
It really depends on the area and size of tinfoil you're bringing in. Say if someone has a tank large enough for a full grown tinfoil and are looking for some, there's a small chance they're going to look for the common 1 - 2" tinfoils you find in shops. Where I'm from (US-Minnesota) mid-size tinfoils are hard to come by, so shops take them in for trade or credit all the time. But that's just my experience.
I recently asked one of my LFS this, as I'm planning on going marine soon and need rid of my freshwater fish. He's quite happy to take my fish off me (didn't even ask what types they were) but was very clear that he couldn't give me anything for them.
Brahmza said:
Doubt you'll get credit for a Tinfoil Barb, they have no value at all to the shop. Take up space, arent worth much and get huge. Rhere is one MA currently trying to shift 40 x 8-12" Tinfoils because people take on fish they cant look after or get bored of them and return them and so the shop ends up with loads of them.
If it was something the shop could actually make money from like big clown loaches or something, sure, you ought to get some credit... but when you have a species that most shops will give away or ask for a £10 rehoming fee... whats the point in giving credit for a fish they dont want? They would be doing YOU a favour in taking it off you... not the other way around.
People treat shops like swap shops and rehoming centers.... its no wonder more and more shops are taking on a 'no returns' policy (with exceptions to customers that bought fish within the week or two limit).
It really depends on the area and size of tinfoil you're bringing in. Say if someone has a tank large enough for a full grown tinfoil and are looking for some, there's a small chance they're going to look for the common 1 - 2" tinfoils you find in shops. Where I'm from (US-Minnesota) mid-size tinfoils are hard to come by, so shops take them in for trade or credit all the time. But that's just my experience.
i depends on your location.....
my LFS would give very good money for large tinfoils, and would have no problem selling them either
blackops said:
what fish are u taking back
6 cardinal tetra, 6 corydoras trilineatus, 4 female honey gourami, 2 German blue rams, 1 bamboo shrimp, 5 amano shrimp.

I've also got 9 baby apple snails I'll need rid of, which I stupidly forgot to ask whether or not they were allowed to take.
blackops said:
 would u post any of them
I'd rather not. Despite the fact I'm getting rid of them, I'm still rather attached to them and wouldn't want to chance it.
if u are going marine dose that mean you wont need your water change thing
blackops said:
if u are going marine dose that mean you wont need your water change thing
I don't know if I'm honest. I won't be refilling from the tap so the hose and splitter will be no good to me, but the powerhead may still potentially be useful to me.
if u want to sell it then I will have it pls tell me if u are
CezzaXV said:
if u are going marine dose that mean you wont need your water change thing
I don't know if I'm honest. I won't be refilling from the tap so the hose and splitter will be no good to me, but the powerhead may still potentially be useful to me.
i wouldnt go selling all your stuff.....u never know what you might want in the future :)
Mikey1 said:
if u are going marine dose that mean you wont need your water change thing
I don't know if I'm honest. I won't be refilling from the tap so the hose and splitter will be no good to me, but the powerhead may still potentially be useful to me.
i wouldnt go selling all your stuff.....u never know what you might want in the future


I'm keeping all the stuff that might potentially be useful to me in the future, but the most expensive part of my system was the powerhead, which I plan on keeping. The rest of it didn't cost enough and takes up too much space for me to keep it for the possibility that perhaps one day I'd need it again - it's cheap and easy to replace if need be.

blackops, I've PM'd you. We've taken up enough space in this thread now

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