Can This Community Tank Work?

since the bristlenose pleco is out of the question would a group of 4-6 pygmy corries work with betta and shrimp?
Not in that tank. It has the floorspace of about a 3 gallon since it's so tall.
I think the moral here is not so many bottom dwellng fish in a tall tank with a smaller area at the bottom... the shrimp are cool though and my betta and ghost shrimp live together with 1 mollie. Haha. I also have another betta in a community tank with giant danios, cories, weather loaches and a few mollies and dwarf frogs and they all get along good. Just try to avoid too many bottom dwelling fish and stick with fish that swim in the middle and/or top to utilize that tank.. I hope you show a picture on this thread once you do stock it. Good Luck! :D

Yep, will be posting pics when it's up. Here it is looking rather empty at the minute. I have a small piece of bogwood soaking and just washed some rock to put in as well. I'll also be putting in a couple of real plants and hoping they survive with this substrate/LED light.


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No one has addressed the temperature issues of your original stocking list.
Bettas like it warm, between 75 &80 degrees, whereas celestial pearl danios prefer cooler water around 70-74, so they are not suitable tank mates.
Cpd's are also shy fish, & keeping them with larger fish tends to make them hide as they feel threatened.
The Badis are very territorial, so in a tank that size the most you could possibly do would be one male & 2 females, but no Betta, as being from the same family problems could arise
No one has addressed the temperature issues of your original stocking list.
Bettas like it warm, between 75 &80 degrees, whereas celestial pearl danios prefer cooler water around 70-74, so they are not suitable tank mates.
Cpd's are also shy fish, & keeping them with larger fish tends to make them hide as they feel threatened.
The Badis are very territorial, so in a tank that size the most you could possibly do would be one male & 2 females, but no Betta, as being from the same family problems could arise

I'm planning on just a betta and some shrimp. Possibly a small group of harlequin rasboras if they would work in this tank?
Bristlenose are fantastic at pooing, so I would say no to one in a tank that small. I personally would say no to a group of badis too, more on the grounds of they prefer live foods, and knowing how piggish betta can be, I can see one out competing any badis. Badis can also be quite territorial from what I've read, which is why they do better in a longer tank- there's more room for different territories and more room to add plants and bogwood, etc. to break the line of sight. Just because a fish is small doesn't mean it will do well in a small tank ;)

If you're worried about the betta eating any cherry shrimp, why not go for a smaller group of ammano shrimp? They're fantastic little creatures and are really fascinating to watch!

I couldn't agree more

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