Can they fit?


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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CAn a pair of Ocellaris Clownfish fit in a 20L gallon? Not like im changing anytime soon but once I have freshwater down Ill get the fish Ive wanted ever since I was liitle the orange fish.
Ocellaris Clownfish (percula) would be good in that size tank (a pair purchased when small). If this is your first SW tank though you will have to do a great deal of research and it will be more expensive than you think. Look at the nano tank threads here, 20 gall is on the threashold of nano tank and a bigger tank is usually reccomended, but its doable if you have the resources.

Oh im doing research. I read my very forst nemo and setting up your first marine tank and found them very helpful. Im plan reading a book and checking on varois sites for info.
So far my stock list
2 clowns
2 dwarf red tip hermit crabs
Yes, a pair of clowns (again, make sure you get them SMALL, before they have a chance to be set in their sex - they're born male and if you get a pair small enough, one will change to female) will fit in a 20 long. I almost did that in my 10g, but I couldn't get another little clown in a timeframe I was comfortable with. I would have had to wait a couple of months and I didn't want my one clown to get too established in the tank.
Not to contradict, but clowns are born sexless, the dominant becomes the female (aint that always the way) the other the male. Males can turn into females later but not the otherway round, very fascinating fish.

I recently lost my male to a powerhead :( I am now looking for a small clown of equal colour to partner the female
Wow that is very interesting, I was gonna ask hw to tell the sex but wow, thye can even make a sex change, weird. Is just 2 alright or can I fit more?
jflowers said:
Not to contradict, but clowns are born sexless, the dominant becomes the female (aint that always the way) the other the male. Males can turn into females later but not the otherway round, very fascinating fish.

You're right... :*) That's what I get for trying to think and type while my 2 year old is whacking me with a book, asking me to read to him :lol:
I could be wrong on this but if you have more than 2 clowns then doesnt the dominant become female, the next one is male and the rest remain sexless?
I was reading an article online and it said that this type of clown can be kept in groups. Is it wrong?
Well I planed out my stock list somewhat, I cant just wait to talk to my dad about setting up a salt water tank, I know he would be excited. But my list is bound to change because I cant set up the SW for a while.
-6 hermit crabs
-varoius snails probaly about 10
-2 cleaner shrimp
-2 clowns
So far so good?
I'm looking to setup a 10 gallon like that

Only i want corals in there

if you want corals, think about massive lighting, like 250 watts
I do plan for coral, lets of coral, but thats down the road. What my plan is to put myself in the situation where I have enough money to cycle the tank, that way I dont buy the clowns to early. Im just going to have to work my ass off for everything I want. I have about 160 dollars right now and plan when I can get 250 to start to make plans for my fishes future in which my friend wants them all. Ill probaly end up giving him everything that I dont need.
As the member is new and you kindly pointed out that these fish are different species. Could you give him (and any others) the differences between the two species so that they cannot get mixed up? ;)

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