Mostly New Member
I have a 75-gal slightly planted tank. I have about 7 plants, and 2 moss balls. I have just over 40% of my substrate the type with fertilizer in it, and I also just started using Excel, and Flourish when I added the last 4 plants as I just did that about a week ago. For my tank I have a 36” Marineland Double Bright LED Lighting System (6000K one watt white and 60mW blue LED lighting system) covering the back of my tank were the new plants are mostly located, then in the front, I am using my old 24” florescent light with a 20 W T8 Power-GLO bulb. So my question is, is this too much light, or am I on the right track and the extra light is going to help the plants? Also I am concerned over if the excess light would hurt my fish?