can someone tell me


Fish Addict
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
shotton, deeside, uk
if im banned ???

this is kribs mate... my account is blocked. i have e-mailed admin to ask but no reply.

not quite sure why if i have been but there you go..if i have i wont bother again. :(
I don't know if you were......

has anything else happened today!!???

I hope you weren't banned over a couple of, how should I say.......bad posts?? :dunno:

Hopefully someone will get back to you soon........ :huh:

But maybe I will get flamed for sticking up for you :lol: Oh well, I am loved by some and hated by many!!! :lol: :sly: :lol:
it was hours ago this happened...i have sent e-mails and pm's :(

if i have been banned im not really too bothered but it would of been nice to of been told.

i actually dont think any of my posts have been bad to be honest. maybe a little straight to the point ;)

thats not always bad.. :lol:

perhaps it was the comments about the certain moderator that was extremely out of order?....i dont know

ah well..we shall see ;)
ooooooooh i didnt see that post. still it would of been nice to of been told i was banned :(

still cant actually see what i did that was so wrong to be honest and it seems to me a lot of longerstanding members were to blame for how events turned out.

ah well.

take it easy guys..

and remember....all you with bala sharks in tiny little 30gallon tanks etc....please take them back. also the guy with 6 clown loaches in a 29gallon get real
reasearch before you you buy your fish guys. saves a lot of hassle and heartache in the longrun.

sorry i'm not welcome :(


Dave ;)
gixer said:
and remember....all you with bala sharks in tiny little 30gallon tanks etc....please take them back. also the guy with 6 clown loaches in a 29gallon get real
reasearch before you you buy your fish guys. saves a lot of hassle and heartache in the longrun.
I'm sorry you're going. I don't know exactly why you got banned (did you insult anyone?), but you seem to have your heart in the right place and care about the best interests of the fish.

I agree with you about bala sharks and clown loaches... These seem to be some of the most miskept fish around. :/ I myself once kept 5 clown loaches in a 34 gal tank because I just believed the guy at the LFS who said they'd be ok, but I'll never do that again. I've seen shoals of 8-10 inch clowns and how they love to swim around, they need LONG tanks.
yes kribensis is banned too :( not sure if anyone else is.
i have still had no reply to and pm's or e-mails :(

i very much doubt i will still be around as gixer either as soon as it gets picked up on (eventually)

oh well.
Hiya, did i miss something???? Whats been happening???
gixer said:
yes kribensis is banned too :( not sure if anyone else is.
i have still had no reply to and pm's or e-mails :(

i very much doubt i will still be around as gixer either as soon as it gets picked up on (eventually)

oh well.
Bloody Hell!!

There's just no need for that!! I have been having PM converstaions with Kribensis and she seems really nice! Are you sure she is banned? I just sent her a PM ok, I didn't think I'd be able to if the account had been terminated. :unsure:

I think you should stick around, I don't think you should have been banned in the first place. You are nothing compared to some of the twats that have been known to grace this site but they (I think) usually leave of their own accord. I have never known of someone being banned.

yep. shes deffinatly banned. the pm will be sent be she wont be able to access it.

i was getting pm notification e-mails last night but i couldnt get on to read them. I am not quite sure either why i was banned, perhaps your own mind and opinion is not wanted here :(

i still cant believe im still here as gixer though. :rolleyes:
gixer said:
I am not quite sure either why i was banned, perhaps your own mind and opinion is not wanted here :(

Well, I understand why you were banned, I just don't think you should have been banned. I think there's a general rule that you try to not offend people, just like in real life. ;) You offended people but I don't know that you meant to.

Saying that, you also know about fish and not all your posts were offensive. I think it's just that there seemed to be trouble whereever you went.

JMO though

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