Can Someone Tell Me This Shrimps Name?


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
i have these shrimp that i dont know the exact name of. i was told all about them when i bought them and was also told there were called stars & stripes shrimp. i tried googling that name but came up with nothing related to them at all. ive tried looking through species lists but cant even find a decent list that has all saltwater shrimp.

they are only small, about 2" at most. completely see through except for their claws which are which with purple tips, there eyes/stem thingy their eyes are on, are the same colour as the claws. then on the tail there is this same white base with purple edges. they have been hanging out in the helios and catching current which send them flying around the tank. seems to be a favourite pass time for them :)

i tried to get pics but my cam takes awful pics of the SW tank for some reason and even if i could get good pics, im not sure how easily they would stand out considering their are essentially see through

sorry i havent got much to give you but im really wanting to find out what they are and seem to be going nowhere trying to find out lol
lol nah theyre not sexy shrimp :)

ive attached an old pic i found when i was rummaging through some today (the helio in the pic was new at the time and was not coming out very well yet :)) the shrimp is on the substrate at the front, middle of the helio. hope this helps a bit :)


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spotted anemone shrimp? I'm not sure but I thought those were translucient.
nope, not an anemone shrimp. i have found a pic of it on my travels and its a pontonine shrimp. the pic is below


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That's a sweet lookin shrimp! Glad you found the name too.

yeah theyre really cool. i have 3. one has claimed my large helio, 1 has claimed my new frogspawn (its not out yet cause i only got it today) but hes hanging out near it as if to say 'this ones mine when its ready' :) and the other hangs out near the bubble coral. tis only a small bubble at the moment so hes kinda hangin around waiting for it to grow i think :)

they float up in the water until they find the current from a powerhead and then go hurtling through the tank with their claws out like superman lol we have affectionately named them 'crazy shrimp' :)

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