Can Someone Tell Me A Bit More About Trumpet Snails Please


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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I aquired a malasian trumpet snail with my last lot of cories I bought from an lfs (I found it in the bottom of the bag) and it's been happily living in my tank for over a month now. I don't see much of it as it's mostly half buried in my substrate but I have seen it today during a gravel vac and it's really grown.

I have also found 2 very tiny round snails today. Their shells were really tough. I know this as my first instinct was to squash them as I thought they were pest snails but they were too hard to crush.

I've dropped them into my fry tank for now.

I've had a read of the species section again just now and it says trumpet snails don't need a mate to multiply so what I want to know is - could the two I found today be trumpet snail young or would I have found some kind of nest if it had bred?

It doesn't say anything in the species section about how they breed their young.

Can anyone help?


I have some Malaysian snails, the young are tiny but always look like miniatures of the adults, not round.
okay, thanks ... maybe they were pest snails then. I have got new plants in the last 2 weeks. I'll have to watch out for them in the fry tank and see if they re-appear

My livebearers can have a treat if they turn out to be pest snails
They are livebearers and do not lay eggs. You will see tiny miniature MTS all over the place sooner or later.

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