i have a pair of angels who have spawned 3 times in the past 7 weeks , the first batch i quickly boxed off and decided i would make a better parent ( wrong ) none hatched , 2 weeks later they spawned again , this time i thought i would leave the parents to it , again wrong decision ,the following morning the lot had been eaten by my other fish i assumed ! i was determined to get it right the third time so i went out and bought a tank divider which i put into place along with the pair of angels. about 3 weeks after last spawning they were at it again but this time i thought i had it right as they were segregated with no one to bother them , she laid about 400 eggs onto the back of my cleaning magnet and both parents busily fanned and cared for the eggs for about 40 hours , after which time they gobbled the lot !! why would they do this and has anyone any ideas for me to get it right next time ?? please help !!