can someone please help ?


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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i have a pair of angels who have spawned 3 times in the past 7 weeks , the first batch i quickly boxed off and decided i would make a better parent ( wrong ) none hatched , 2 weeks later they spawned again , this time i thought i would leave the parents to it , again wrong decision ,the following morning the lot had been eaten by my other fish i assumed ! i was determined to get it right the third time so i went out and bought a tank divider which i put into place along with the pair of angels. about 3 weeks after last spawning they were at it again but this time i thought i had it right as they were segregated with no one to bother them , she laid about 400 eggs onto the back of my cleaning magnet and both parents busily fanned and cared for the eggs for about 40 hours , after which time they gobbled the lot !! why would they do this and has anyone any ideas for me to get it right next time ?? please help !!
what color were the eggs? if they were white the parents ate them cause they were unfertilized. i know it sounds like a dumb question but are you sure that you have a pair? let them try a few spawns and see how they do.

semper fi
Hi Jon

Trying to rasie fry in a comunity tank wether devided or not is never going to be easy.
Did you watch the pair spawn? If so can you confirm that they are male and female.

If they are a confirmed pair, I would think about getting them a tank of there own. You will need more space if you manage to raise some fry, any way.

Dolphin :teacher:
thanks both ! yes i am sure they are a pair , the first time i missed the spawning and discovered the eggsquite by accident , so yes they probably were unfertilised at the time i segregated them , however the second time i witnessed the whole act , including the male fertilising the eggs in lines from bottom to top as the female laid them , i figured it best to keep the breeding pair in the community tank as it is 48 x 15 x 12 and given this size tank i could get away without the required water changes i have read about and intended to move the fry should i have been successful , some of the eggs turned white after 24 hours but most were still a sort of gold , clear colour at about 32 hours , what size tank would you reccommend i get ready for next time and should i leave the parents to fan the eggs and raise the fry given their 3 previous attemts ?? if my timing is correct i have about 2 weeks to get sorted !! thanks once again !!!
Hi Jon

If you get fry then a 5 gall tank will be ok for them for the first month, but then they will need alot more space. Within a six months a batch of fry can need up to 100 galls of space.

Dolphin :teacher:

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